Mice in my house

EEKK!!! There’s mice in my house!

First I found this blue and purple one on my chair….. good thing I didn’t sit on it!

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look at that cute face though! there’s no way I could get rid of it.

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It quickly found a friend that was already in Sonja’s room and had been there for a while.

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and of course once you see one, there’s more to come.

So this big momma showed up soon after that

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They think mice scare me in groups! but they didn’t…..

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Then the little baby came too

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Now it’s a family of four!

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Sonja liked them right away- EEEK don’t touch that mouse, it’s purple!

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I guess their squeaks were loud enough, because this brother showed up too after that

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Now it’s a whole family of 5.

Aren’t they cute? ahem I mean terrifying?

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Then an Aunt and cousin showed up too

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And Sonja still liked them all

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There’s 9 of them now in a basket

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Then some more boyish mice showed up too with custom words on their bellies, when is it going to end? my house is being overrun by cute mice!

Oh the horror!

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All joking aside,

these mice are all made in the hoop, the pattern is from dolls and daydreams here

all in just 2 hoopings!

the ears and limbs are in one hooping (first)

then the body is made and toward the end you lay the limbs on it and attach the back.

The tail is made on the machine.

If you look at dolls and daydream’s ITH stuffies, you can guess there’s ONE file I REALLY want (and maybe by the time I schedule this post I will have bought it!- it’s a HOOT)

12 thoughts on “Mice in my house”

  1. Oh My these are the cutest mice! I adore them all. Creative Mice Bliss…

  2. There is one in my house too, I am told! Not one with that cute face though. I'm hoping my husband is just delirious as I have not seen any sign of it! 🙂

  3. So cute. I love your Mice Family. I think I'm going to have to get this design and stitch out a Family. Looks like they'd be great for Christmas Mice, as well as other seasons. And certainly make great gifts.SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  4. SewMisadventurous

    I could live with these mice, I absolutely can NOT live with their flesh and blood cousins – urgh-(shiver runs down back just thinking about them) Is there a way of making these if you don't have a machine that embroiders?

  5. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Oh my gosh are those cute!! Are you going to make a bunch for your craft show? I have a feeling we will see owls before long 🙂

  6. Very, very cut!Q I guess now you have a new obsession, at least until the next idea comes along.

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