Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Lee family!

We hope you have a Blessed Christmas this year.


We are surely counting our Blessings!

12/12 we lost a dear friend, one of my best friend’s husband was in a car accident and died, it really hit us hard too, Danielle is a stay at home mom of 3 school aged kids – the same ages as my kids! Their faith in the Lord will bring them thru this and it makes us realize more that life is precious, it can be over in a second!


I also have to go to Denmark in January to see my mom as my stepdad Egon is dying from cancer and there’s nothing they can do, so I’m going for a quick trip to say goodbye! He’s been sick a while and kept getting worse and worse, he has COPD, heart problems and then got admitted for pneumonia around Thanksgiving and was in the hospital for 2 weeks and then they found cancer all over his body! My mom has been married to him I think 16yrs, so even though he didn’t raise me and I don’t know him that well, it’s still very sad and he’s our family and the kids call him Morfar (grandpa in Danish) my mom has no one else around her either, they only have each other, and she has her own health issues!


Life is not guaranteed, but one life IS! the Life and hope in Jesus! Thru good times we rejoice and pray in thanksgiving, in trials we pray for help and God is with us!

So HUG your family members and show that you love them!!

Merry Christmas

– I love all my blogger friends- so here’s a virtual HUG!-

5 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Sorry for the loss of your friend's husband and all the issues with your stepdad and mother. I know you are a great source of comfort to your mom.

  2. Mary Howland

    Life is short so we all need to love each other daily. I wish you a safe journey to and from Denmark. Enjoy the time with your mom ans step-dad. Thanks for sharing the good and the bad with us.

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend's husband and the impending loss of your step-father. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  4. I didn't realize that you're a shorty like me. Or maybe your hubby and son are really tall 🙂 Nice to see you all together.Please accept my sympathy for your step father, I lost my dad to similar health problems. I'm sure it'll be difficult for your mom and she'll appreciate your visit.

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