Machine embroidery marathon

I’ve been having quite the marathon using my embroidery machine! I don’t remember how it started but Anja started helping me pick fabrics and thread colors and I showed her how to change the thread color on the screen of the machine too and she’s been wanting to do it every day!

My “plan” is to sell these locally, there’s a sort of consignment craft store coming where you can sell stuff on consignment or rent a shelf or whatever space you want, so I figured I’d “stock up” for that, I don’t know yet if I got a “spot” and when it’ll open, but I know the owner and she really WANTS me in there, so we’ll see….

Once I got started, Sonja and Solveig wanted to pick colors too and they they kept the owls! ha ha!!

I kept making more

and more

I did have several in this basket, but now there’s more hanging out in their nest 🙂

Then I got started on eyeglass cases

they really take no time at all, unlike the owl pincushions, the embroidery is 25 min! the cats are done in 10 min!

Anja then asked to make a stuffed owl and picked out fabrics and I help pick out felt and flannel I had leftover from another project, the owls are cute but they do that quite a while too, it’s 2 hoopings, which is not bad and maybe half an hour for the rest, but it’s a lot of baby sitting the machine, and trimming fabrics, it’s still fun though!

I confiscated this owl right away so my daughter wouldn’t grow too attached to it and not want to let it go, ha ha!

1 thought on “Machine embroidery marathon”

  1. What kind of embroidery machine do you have? and what patterns do you use – they are really cute!

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