Looking back Vintage Quilts with island Batik

Looking Back Vintage Quilt

This month’s theme with Island Batik is Looking back at Vintage quilts.

Batiks are not vintage but more modern, so it was fun to think about ways to use them for something vintage.

I looked in pinterest and quickly found what I would do- a sunbonnet sue quilt! what’s more vintage than that??

I had a 10” square stack of Alpine Ice batiks and some matching yardage


I got out 5 nice fabrics from the stack for the Sunbonnet Sue parts and lined them with fusible steam a seam lite2 by Warm company


Then with my Sunbonnet Sue die

I cut out 5 sets


I then diced to make an alternate 16 patch block and used the leftover fabrics and the small square from the 9” accuquilt QUBE set


and with a white solid I cut out 9 1/2” squares and used the machine embroidery set by Marjorie from Accuquilt

and used 5 different files to applique down the Sunbonnet Sues, some of them didn’t use the fabric arms but just did embroidery.


I then sewed together 4 16patch blocks


Then sewed the top together


And then I added borders to make it big enough, it’s now 37” x 37” (we were supposed to make a quilt larger than 35” x 35”)

I used the 1 1/2” strip die and the 4 1/2” strip die for the borders.


Here’s the quilt all quilted


around the Sunbonnet Sues I echo quilted and then outlined the blocks


on the 16 patches I quilted curves, on the inner border I did bubbles (or snowballs!) and on the outer border I did feathers with a double line.


Such a fun quilt!

I have a small give away too

I have some scraps of blue batiks and a 5” strip roll all Island Batik’s of course Smile


Enter below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

31 thoughts on “Looking back Vintage Quilts with island Batik”

  1. Stitchin At Home

    I have never made a sunbonnet sue or a vintage quilt but it sounds intriguing.Love your version!

  2. I have never made a Sunbonnet Sue quilt – but I have made a Trip Around the World quilt. Does that count as vintage?

  3. Connie Kresin Campbell

    What a cute little quilt! I need to add that AccuQuilt die to my wish list!

  4. Sun Bonnet Sue in snowy winter Island Batiks is just terrific. I love your choice for the vintage project. So much fun to see her as an Island Batik Ambassador in her own way. You can never tell what she will be up to!

  5. Sherry @PoweredbyQuilting

    So cute!!! I love Sun Bonnet Sue! I love the colors you chose too <3 Just darling!

  6. Love it….I have that die and in fact have enjoyed making these quilts. Yours is so lovely.

  7. My Sunbonnet Sue quilt was embroidered Sues for each month of the year, and then I put those into an on-point setting. It has hung in my office/studio for years.

  8. A good friend just brought a Sun Bonnet Sue to share I embroidered for her years ago… I love the bright colors I used in that quilt!

  9. i made a sunbonnet sue quilt with one sam, to be my granddaughter's big brother, almost 20 years ago. she still sleeps with that quilt.

  10. Adorable! I've made vintage inspired quilts, but not Sue. I have also finished vintage quilts for others. I'm glad I could make them usable.

  11. A beauliful Sunbonnet Sue quilt, love the colors! I have never made one of those, but I have made a few other vintage inspired quilts.

  12. Maureen Herstam

    Visiting my aunt in South Dakota, I was struck by the sweetness of the Sunbonnet Sue quilts she made for her granddaughters and instantly fell in love with the pattern. Fast forward 50 years, and I am finally making my Sunbonnet Sue baby quilt. The labor of love will be gifted to the granddaughter of a friend. One block down, at least 5 more to go. Love the beautiful fabrics used and the 16 patches in between. Precious quilt!

  13. Althoigh I have not made a Sunbonnet Sue or vintage style quilt I would like to do so. Love yours with the batiks.

  14. Joyce Carter

    Your quilt is sooo cute Bea! Yes, I have made several Sunbonnet Sue quilts.This is my favorite pattern to hand applique. I love this pattern and love making Sue with all different designs. Thank you for the giveaway.

  15. Angie&Gary Short

    Very cute quilt! I haven't made a sunbonnet quilt yet. Have a great day! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  16. Dione Gardner-Stephen

    Your Sunbonnet Sue quilt is very sweet. What a lovely way to use batiks for a Vintage inspired quilt.

  17. I love your Sue, Bea. She is on my bucket list, but haven't made it to her yet. This is giving me impetus. Thanks for sharing!!

  18. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    I've stitched a few Sunbonnet Sue's for a box exchange a few years ago (we passed around boxes with our UFO in it, and everyone made a couple blocks, so that we could finish the quilts).

  19. I have not stitched a Sun Bonnet Sue, but I have a UFO that is a vintage inspired quilt. I think about 1/2 of the hand quilting is done. I also made twin sized quilts for each of my 3 daughters when they were growing up that were vintage inspired. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  20. I love how your little quilt turned out. The Sun Bonnet Sue blocks look amazing and you embroidered them so nicely. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  21. I have made one "vintage" quilt, for my mom, but shhhhhh… it's a surprise for mother's day!!bah1977@yahoo.com

  22. Pamela Arbour

    That is just darling. You were very creative with the fabric and guidelines that you had.

  23. Carol Andrews

    I love doing vintage quilts, but have never done a Sunbonnet Sue or Sam. Someday?!?!

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