Long arm quilting two customer quilts

Last week I finished long arm quilting two quilts for my friend/customer Ann.

She said she was guilty in procrastinating on these, as the star quilt was for her daughter’s birthday this month and I told her I would quilt it within a week so she could still give it to her in time! (and I did of course)

It’s actually a duplicate or another star quilt Ann made and gave to another daughter (I think) and this daughter wanted one too –she’s a grown woman and loves her mama’s quilts!!


I had to look at my old post about how I quilted the first one and found that I just did a basic meandering with tossed stars, so I repeated that on this one!


a 2nd quilt she brought, was this DP quilt, it was not made by her but someone’s grandmother or something like that, it was really old!


I think it was made in broad cloth, all hand pieced too! I looked in pinterest and got different ideas and came up with this, a curvey snake type of lines going horizontally on the greens and then vertically on the pink, then a big sort of feather flower in the middle


and I did feathers on the borders (wide borders on the top and bottom and skinny on the sides)


She loved both of them!!

and JUST in time for me to buy a bolt of batting Winking smile

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