Long arm quilting another customer quilt

A customer texted me that she would like me to long arm quilt a quilt for her and just wanted to do a porch drop off, so we arranged that and she had a note about quilt design and thread color etc.

I noticed the back was pieces from several pieces and started loading it on the quilt- well it wasn’t square/laying flat, so I took it off and trimmed the opposite side a bit and turned it 90 degrees and then it was pretty good.

It happens to me once in a while, not this saggy but if a backing is pieced from several pieces it’s tricky to get it perfectly square, so I’ve learned to “fudge” it but this was had to be fixed, not a big deal.

Then because she wasn’t here, I took pictures of thread colors I thought would look good, but even on a cell phone and with lighting, it’s hard to choose, so she trusted what I suggested.

This one is called Sand dollar and it’s a yellow-ish beige, so I thought that would go well with the quilt, the background was a batik in yellow beige but the thread was a tad darker.

For the quilt design

she chose Paisley Playtime which is very popular!

I’ve updated my long arm quilting page to have more of a gallery look now and this way I can add more pictures to each design as I use them. Have a look!

The backing was pieced, but also appliqued so it was kind of fun!

when it was done (the next day) she came by and picked up on the porch and paid.

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