Long arm quilting

I actually got a long arm quilting customer (repeat) last week.

My long arm business has pretty much died, I don’t know why….. but oh well….

anyways, this quilt was a big twin sized and it’s all HSTs!! isn’t that cool??


I quilted pointy swirls all over it.


she used this neat flannel on the back


My little “helper” keeps getting into trouble! actually not really, she’s good at playing by herself.



What are you up to?

4 thoughts on “Long arm quilting”

  1. Denise Briese

    Good to know! All the long arm quilters on instagram have waiting list! Love your little helper.

  2. Podunk Pretties

    More and more people are starting longarm businesses. You might call around and see what they are charging. They might be lowering prices to get more customers…taking yours! Good luck!

  3. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    What a cutie! My sewing room helpers have fur (my kids are grown). I'll be making your pin cushion today, for the exchange. Then I'll be starting another paper pieced pattern from Peter Pan, that I'm testing for the designer (and to put in my soon to be grandchild's baby quilt). I dislike piecing eyes, but, the end result is worth it.

  4. That is a really pretty quilt, enhanced by your quilting of course! My kids both grew up with me always sewing/crafting so they knew no better and always played near me or as they got older, played together or with friends.

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