live writer

I’m getting tired of this Live writer problem.

My techy husband spent over an hour today looking at it.

We tried a test post and got :Blogger returned the following error – Notfound Notfound

I’ve tried a different password, 

logging out and back into blogger to make sure the password was right.

Restarted the computer

uninstalled live writer and re-installed it, even tried a “repair” function in windows 10

also tried the 2012 version of live writer, same thing.

I can do blog posts just fine thru blogger (which I’m doing now)

But it takes a long time to upload pics and I’m just SO used to live writer now.

I’ve googled the error and the same thing happened in May (I remember that) and the solution was that it was between Microsoft and blogger, one was blaming the other! I don’t remember HOW it got fixed though.

We’ve tried everything!!

I am looking into another blog writer or maybe to use as a back up, as EVERYONE is saying that WLW is the BEST, wordpress is maybe 2nd on the list, but there’s pros and cons too.

and I don’t know about wordpress but can I still have my blogger set up and just use wordpress as a blog post writer? I’d hate to move everything over to wordpress and lose followers, and honestly I don’t like blogs that use wordpress, there’s just so many issues and I think also with linky tools and things like that.

Sigh, I don’t know what to do.

What writers do you all use?

2 thoughts on “live writer”

  1. I just go through blogger. I usually don't have many pictures and I make them smaller than the original format anyway because I gain in speed both of my upload as well as people loading my website easier/faster (I think). I tried wordpress and I don't like it either! In blogger you can change whatever you want (style, template, …) easily and for free. In wordpress you need the paid account to do that (plus I don't like their writing interface either).I know how frustrating figuring out these technology issue is! But you will get through!! 🙂

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