Let’s Twist with Batiks Blog Hop


It’s the first day of the Twisty Batik Blog Hop.

I was thinking about what to make and looked at my batik stash and didn’t have THAT much and then on the theme “Twist” hmmm.

Then I got the idea!

I found this fun tie dye batik and cut it into strips.


Then TWISTED it around cotton cording and began zigzagging


and TWISTING some more and zigzagging


into THIS!

A fabric basket.


Of course my little inspector had to inspect it and see if it was good enough!

“Yup Mommy, I think Mdm Samm and Mary would approve… Go ahead and post it”


How would you like to make a similar basket?

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Connecting threads is sponsoring a giveaway

a 2 1/2” strip pack of these fall/winter batiks (24)

To US and CANADA only.

batik winter ct

You’d just need to get some cotton cording, I’ve found some at JoAnn’s or amazon here

It may be better to cut these strips in half when wrapping the cording-

so 1 1/4” wide

Just comment below and let me know if you’ve ever made a basket like this or not…. I’ll pick a winner on the September 30th

(Yikes it’s almost October!!)

Here’s the other ladies today

Have fun looking!

September 25


Jane’s Quilting

Beaquilter (me)

Just Let Me Quilt

Patchouli Moon Studio

I Piece 2-Mary

142 thoughts on “Let’s Twist with Batiks Blog Hop”

  1. Aaww. That's such a sweet basket and I love your pictures of the inspection. I've never made fabric baskets in that way, but it looks like something I would try.

  2. Vroomans' Quilts

    I have played with very few Batiks – small bits in scrap bags from other quilts 'gleaning'. But I think a basket would be a fun way to use them – never made one, so a new venture.

  3. I love your basket, and yes I have made them, sew much fun! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Hey, that looks fine!! I have a book which just sleeps in the shelve, about making baskets the way you did yours, and I think I really should give it a try!!!Looks very nice! Great idea!

  5. We all could use a basket inspector like yours, Bea! I've never gotten around to making a basket like that yet, but I've had the cord sitting on my sewing table for a couple of years already!

  6. Love the batik basket!!! I have never made one but am putting it on my To Do list. Thanks

  7. Love the fabric basket! I bought the supplies but have not made one yet.. I need to get to that!

  8. Very cool basket. I have never made one. Oops…September only has 30 days in it. lol Love your inspector.

  9. What a beautiful and useful project. I have making a basket on my to do list.

  10. yes batiks basket..you got it…I do remember seeing many of these…your model PEACE child….

  11. Baskets are fun to sew, but I used "plastic" rope.., and that works too… :-)It's good you got it approved.Perfect idea.

  12. Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek]

    What a fun way to "twist" to the 60s!! I've never made a basket like this, but I'd love to try 🙂

  13. Love your twist on the twist to the 60's! I have two books on making these baskets, but have yet to make one. I just love them though, and must make one soon! Thanks for inspiring me!

  14. I have admired baskets like that but have never made one. I would love to give it a try! Yours is lovely — but not quite as cute as your model!

  15. What a neat basket and a great Twist on Batiks!! I've seen these but never made one and would love to! It is always great to have a inspector around too!

  16. Debbie Rogowski

    you make that basket look so easy. I've never made one but it looks great!!

  17. MooseStash Quilting

    As long as your little inspector approves, life is good. Now all good inspectors put their number on things. Her's must be #1! LOLI have found that the clothes lines at Ace Hardware is perfect for those bowls too, and half the price of what they try to sell you at shops and shows.

  18. Making a basket is on my bucket list of things to make. Reading your post has boosted it to the top of the list. Thanks sew much for sharing and the the opportunity to win some lovely batiks, too! 😀

  19. I have made fabric baskets in the past but they were wrapped around the cords. This is something that I have wanted to do but haven't had the time. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I have not made one of these bowls before. I bought a book to learn, but alas I have not jumped in. There is a class coming up at Mary Jo's I'm thinking about taking to give me the push to learn.

  21. I have seen a few friends make these but I haven't tried it myself. Would live to try!

  22. I don't know what's cuter, the basket or your little inspector! I have made one basket, but would be delighted to make another.

  23. I have not made one yet, but have a little one that a friend made me. If I made one, it would be out of batiks, because I love that fabric!

  24. I have not made one yet, but they would make wonderful christmas presents! babscorbitt@ gmail dot com

  25. Joyce Carter

    I love the basket and the very cute little inspector. Thank you for sharing. I have made fabric baskets before but never like this. This is new to me.

  26. I haven't made a basket like that but it is on my list of to do projects (which just grows and grows). Thanks for sharingMary

  27. Gorgeous basket! I have a book on making baskets and I have the cord (somewhere!) but I yet to make one. Not sure what I'm waiting for but I'm moving it towards the top of my bucket list!

  28. Beautiful basket, Bea. Love it. These baskets are on my to-do list, so this would be a great opportunity. Thanks so much for sharing.

  29. I have never made a basket, but yours is definitely one I might try…very cool!

  30. I like your basket. Are they difficult to do? I have wanted to do this for years(even bought the cord) but life keeps getting in the way. 🙂

  31. TheStylishHome

    I haven't made a basket like that…yet 😀 You made it look pretty simple!

  32. patchouli moon studio

    Oh yes I have made tons of fabric wrapped baskets, but it's a lot cheaper to wrap around cotton clothesline, rather than that cotton cording. Clothesline isn't as soft, but the basket shape holds it's shape better. I also prefer to use 1/2" strips to wrap.Your basket and the colors are just beautiful.

  33. Siouxzq64@gmail.com

    I have never made a basket like that but two shelves and two tubs in my sewing space are all batiks.

  34. Karen in Breezy Point

    I've never made on of these baskets even though I have purchased 2 packages of the cording–it's been on my to-do list for ever!

  35. Scrapbook-ChickADoodle

    Loveyour basket. I have made a few but would love to try it with the pretty batiks.

  36. JanesQuilting

    So cool. I always wanted to make a basket just never took the time. I think it is time.

  37. Brandy Pettit

    I have not made a basket before, this is actually only the 2nd time I've seen one! Thank you for the opportunity to learn how!~Brandy

  38. I have never made a basket but that is such a clever idea. Thanks for sharing

  39. Beautiful basket. I have bought some of those and have wanted to make them forever. I have seen bowls and baskets for baking dishes and such cute purses and totes too. I have even bought the cording. Hopefully this will spur me on to try some. Thanks for sharing.

  40. Your bowl is so cute. Great job, love that batik. Thank you for being part of this fun hop.

  41. I have seen these bowls made, but have never attempted one. So cute. Thanks for sharing with us. Pssst: September only has 30 days! 😉

  42. Lovely basket. I have never made one but would love to give it a try. Thanks for sharing … 🙂 Pat

  43. I've made baskets but never a fabric one. If your little inspector likes them then they must be great!

  44. Let's twist again, what a cute idea, I love your bowl and that is something I have never made but it looks like fun.

  45. your basket is lovely. Nope, I have never made a basket. I would love to try my hand at it. I love the little inspector. I had two myself, they were always helping, LOL. I now have a four legged one. Boy he is more into things than my two 2 legged ones. But gotta love it.

  46. Have never made a basket like that but have thought about it a a few times:)Looks so easy to make:)Thanks! Oh and great job on yours!

  47. I haven't made a basket, but have made a rug with my purple scraps. I pick up the cotton cording at Lowe's in the clothesline aisle.

  48. That's a great basket. Is it as easy to make as you make it appear? Definetly need to give that a try.

  49. Crickets Corner

    Such a cute basket and the other cutie seems to approve of it as well. I've never made a basket like this but have all the supplies so I should give it a try.

  50. Great basket. I've not made one of these, but it is on my list of "someday" projects.

  51. Love your basket! What a great idea. I have never made a basket like that but the method is fascinating.

  52. I have a book on how to make the bowls, and the cording, but I have not made one yet. Something always seems to get in the way.

  53. Teresa in Music City

    Love your basket Bea!!! I am signed up to take a class to learn how to make one next month – so that fabric would come in real handy *hint-hint!*LOL!!

  54. What a cute basket! No, I have never made a basket like that I didn't realize they were so easy to make.

  55. Hi, thanks for the giveaway, I have never made a bowl but I would love to try. If I win I will make one.

  56. I've actually tried making baskets like this with yarn, not fabric. It turned out not fantastic. Yours looks beautiful.

  57. I've never made a basket like this, yours is lovely! These colors would make a great basket, thanks for the chance to win.

  58. That is a beautiful basket! A lot of twisting went on there, I can see. Thanks for showing the steps!

  59. I haven't made a basket, but with the holidays coming, I'd like to give it a try– these would make great gifts.

  60. Frances Campbell

    What a great way to use your batiks. I never did make a rope bowl but it looks like a project I would like to try.

  61. I have never made a basket with fabric, but it looks like an easy project and has a folky look which I love!!!

  62. madebymeinred

    Never thought of batiks for the bowls. Yours is gorgeous and so is the tot.

  63. I have seen these baskets for a number of years but have yet to try one. I think it is the sewing to make it into the form of a besket rather than a wobbly flat (maybe distorted) blob. Yours looks so nice and the photos make it look easy to make. Thanks for posting.

  64. I've got all the fixins to make a bowl; haven't done so yet. I need to start 'twisting' now.

  65. The basket is so cool! I haven't attempted one yet but you have inspired me to try!

  66. Bonnie Pfrimmer

    Love your basket..I have seen your baskets before and love them. I am going to have to try to make one. Thank you for sharing..

  67. No, I have never made a basket but I would love to learn how! Yours is beautiful!

  68. No i have never made one it would be interesting to give it a try. yours looks very nice.The color is beautiful.

  69. I've never made a basket with cording and fabric strips. I wonder what it would be like making one with skinny strips and thin cord–might have to hand stitch…

  70. Great idea to twist with! I love these baskets and have made several myself. They hold my scrap fabrics, and buttons. I haven't tried the handles yet, yours are spectacular!

  71. I've never made a basket from fabric before! I have done a few by wrapping yarn around clothesline, but the fabric strips sure would be faster. Thanks for the nice giveaway. 🙂

  72. I've never made a basket with batiks…heck, I've never thought of making a basket with fabric of any kind! Your basket looks amazing and I would love to try making one myself. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  73. Jeanne in Ohio

    I've never made a fabric basket, but I'd like to. Thanks for the giveaway.

  74. Far out! That is way cool man! You are Twisted! And no i aint never twisted one of these up but it looks like fun. Dont know if I would be coordinated enough to do it though. And I am so glad your little inspector approved – adorable!xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  75. Love the basket. Have not made anything similar, although I do make tote bags.

  76. I haven't made a basket with cording in many years, but I did pick up cording awhile ago to try again. Just need to find the time to do it!

  77. I have not made one. I love the way your little one inspects your project!

  78. I have made two baskets like this. The first one was some batik fabric I cut off when trimming a quilt after it was quilted. I cut my strips 3/4 inch wide.

  79. Beautiful basket Bea! I never made one, but would like to. Looks like Sonja is really checking out your basket so she can figure out how to make one of her own. ; )

  80. I have been wanting to try a basket. My sons got me one for my birthday and I love it.

  81. Rhonda Kennedy

    I have never made a basket but I have admired yours. Does instructions come with it? 🙂

  82. Yes, I did make one decades ago when it was hand rip strips of fabric, wrap the cording and hand sew the rings together to form a basket. Your zig zap machine approach looks much quicker and friendlier. Thank you for hopping. Creative Stitching Bliss…

  83. I have never made a basket. But it is on my to do list. I like your handles. hmmmm…

  84. I have not made a fabric basket yet but I would like to. the fabrics are lovely. By the way my son arrived in Copenhagen yesterday. He is visiting a high school friend who is playing basketball there. This is his first trip to Europe and he is very excited and nervous. I love reading your blog. I have followed for a while.

  85. Your basket is beautiful. I've made a few baskets years ago, but pretty basic. I haven't made any with handles, nor with such pretty fabric. Love yours.SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  86. BizyStitches

    baskets are so useful but I've never made one like yours. My sister-in-law made one sorta like this and gave it to me as a gift. Thanks for the fun.

  87. Betty Beaumont

    Never made a basket. I have the cording & an instruction book, just need to get to it.

  88. I have the book, the cording, the fabric and now the inspiration to get my fabric bowl done. Baskets are so useful I really don't know why I haven't one made yet. Thanks for sharing. Your basket is lovely and your inspector adorable.

  89. I never thought of trying something like this. Nice was it hard to sew through the cording and twisted fabric?

  90. Heleen Groot

    Beautiful basket. What a great idea! I loved seeing your inspector too. Did he approve….only you didn't say! Love it, thank you!

  91. StitchinByTheLake

    My friend made me a similar basket and I love it! I have it beside my machine with all my necessaries in it. 🙂 blessings, marlene

  92. Catskill Quilter

    I have never made a basket – love yours! – but if I did, I would definitely use batiks.

  93. Your bowl is great, I always wondered how those were made.smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  94. Bente-I like to QuiltBlog

    God ide og super flot!Du har den allersoedeste assistent, sjove billeder ☺

  95. never made a basket like that. I loved it but mostly that sweet thing that inspected it for you. thanks for the giveaway

  96. Your basket is pretty. I've never made one, but you make it look easy. Thanks for sharing.

  97. Lovely basket and definitely in the circular, twisty mode. Smiling about your little quilty inspector.I've never tried one of these and I think I have the cording on hand since I was going to use it on chair pad piping and never got them made. THX for the giveaway opportunity.

  98. what an awesome basket. I have not made one because I don't think my sewing machine could handle sewing it together

  99. I have not made a basket like that but my sister makes them all the time so I have a few that I keep quilting stuff in. Would love to win some batiks!! thanks

  100. I've never made one of those baskets … but I've always wanted to! (hint hint) – sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  101. LittleHouseontheDairy

    That basket is really cool. Looks like it would be fun to make!

  102. Not exactly like yours but I have made baskets with cording and fabric. They were great fun. I have a christmas wreath base3d on that technique. Thanks.

  103. Just Quilt It

    I love your "twisted" basket! I bought the cord, but I have never gotten around to trying it. This is beautiful and just the push I need!

  104. A great basket! I've thought about trying a basket from time to time and never have. This is a great inspiration to push me in that direction. I love the colors in the batik. Thanks for participating and it is easy to understand why your inspector approves.

  105. That was a great idea and I'm glad that your inspector approved. No I haven't made a basket and probably won't for a while. I have too many other projects on my To Make list.

  106. I have the supplies and just haven't gotten to the basket yet; yours is sweet!

  107. Your did a great job on the basket. I've not made a basket exactly like this but did make a box which I love and holds our receipts on the desk. Connecting Threads has super service.

  108. Oh my goodnes!!! Yes!! made a small basket like this, for a gift…years ago it seems! Would love to make one for my sewing room! Would make a cool project basket!

  109. I have not made a basket like yours. I admire them, but I have not had the motivation. It would mean pulling out the old machine that does the zigzag. It is a work horse of a machine, but my Juki straight stitch only is my machine of choice!

  110. I have never made a basket like this, but I would like to try. Thanks for the chance to win!wigglypup2(at)yahoo(dot)com

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