Leftover Fat Quarter Club Bundles On Sale – Limited Time Discount!

LEFTOVER Fat Quarter Club bundle SALE!!

I have a few FQ bundles from the previous FQ club quarters!

They are on normally $18 but now on sale for $15!!

Each FQ bundle has 6 coordinating fabrics that I put together for the club.

The pink bird bundle is great for a girl quilt, I just love the main pink bird fabric and the other pink and white fabrics are so sweet too!

The coffee bundle and great for any coffee lover like I am!! two of the fabrics have coffee cups and coffee beans on it, then matching blender fabrics!

The Christmas bundle has the cute gingerbread cookie fabric and a matching red with dots, then tan and pink and teal blenders, a really fun and modern Christmas themed bundle!

The Jungle Boy bundle and so baby and sweet, with different jungle animals and then clouds and stars together with grey and yellow and teal.

Limited bundles available and only $3 shipping!!

Try out some of these bundles AND you can add some FQ patterns too!!

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