Last of catching up on RSC16 blocks

So I caught up on the new owl RSC16 blocks,

here’s the purple version


and brown ( you’ve seen a leopard owl before, right?)


and then blue!

I have the eyes looking all different directions.

Also I fused down all the branches on the last 8 blocks, even though I didn’t mean for them to be so short, I think it’s funny now, like it’s sitting there on the very tip of the branch, either hanging on, or just being daring or maybe waiting for the next mouse to come out!?


here’s all 4 together.


Then I also finished 2 more Sunbonnet Sue block and had to go back and see what the secondary color was and used a solid of that for the background

Here’s brown on pink


and blue on purple


and all 4 together, I tried to use 4 different embroidery files but the blue is the same as the orange, hard to tell on my embroidery machine screen.

There’s 7 designs on the CD (I think) but 2 of them uses arms and hands from fabric, there’s 4 that stitch out the hands and arms and I kind of like that.


While I was cutting out the background for the blue sunbonnet sue block, I realized it was a main color already and I am missing some school house blocks, so I quickly appliqued that too, while the embroidery machine was going Smile


5 thoughts on “Last of catching up on RSC16 blocks”

  1. Your blocks are beautiful. I love your owl blocks, but that I think you know already.

  2. Those owls are just so cute. Of course the other blocks are wonderful. You are quite the busy person.

  3. loving the owls and Sue also the house some lovely projects you are working on

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