Kitschy BOM quilt top is done

I finished the last of the Kitschy BOMs.

Betty in her kitchen!

2014-09-03 005

Here’s the 9 blocks together!

2014-09-03 006

I was playing in EQ with layout ideas and sashing and border options.

These blocks are 10” finished, so that’s 30” wide, then I decided on a 1 1/2” sashing and inner border so it would be 36” and then I had the triangle in a square 3” Go! die and I used scraps and white to create the diamond border and added another 1 1/2” border (2” cut)

Now I just need to quilt it!

2014-09-04 001

any quilting ideas?  the background is SO busy that anything custom would get lost on it, but I don’t know if I should do a a simple all over on the whole thing of something different for the border, but if I do that, I have to do something for the sashing too, then it’s turning into something custom.

20 thoughts on “Kitschy BOM quilt top is done”

  1. I love how that turned out Bea!! I saved all the blocks, but will have to postpone actually sewing it until next year. Too many irons in the fire right now. Ha!

  2. Your Kirschy quilt really turned out well! Everything is balanced. That's an awesome idea with the diamond sashing! Great job!

  3. What a fun quilt! For quilting, I would probably stitch in the ditch in the blocks and then simple wavy lines in the sashing and curves in the diamonds.

  4. This is gorgeous! I love the border you added , too. The blocks are so pretty all together in your quilt.Susie

  5. Awe I love it. I got a couple of the blocks. I really like her designs.

  6. Love it! Your diamond border is perfect around it. It just flows nicely together.

  7. Gorgeous. Such detail. Love it. Great

  8. Crafty Tokyo Mama

    Wow, that turned out a-mayyy-zing! The border really looks nice with the set. No quilting suggestions, just lots of admiration for a job well done!!

  9. SewMisadventurous

    Like everyone else I love the Diamond border, and now all the blocks are together, it's actually a great quilt. You picked a fabulous layout, and I love that last block. Why don't you try something really, really simple with this one, because the blocks almost tell a story, you could just quilt the Sashing and the Borders, I don't know the correct terminology for straight lines following a seam (is it Echo quilting?), it's not always necessary to quilt over every inch though is it?

  10. Rhonda Kennedy

    Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing ever. Now I want to make one. 🙂

  11. This is too darn wonderful! Love the colors and Betty in her kitchen must have been intense to work on. Great job.

  12. Oh it is so cute. It really turned out great. I think a semi custom plan would work well. You should make some areas just a little bit special. To me an all over would just be boring on this.

  13. Amazing. Love your ability to stick with a color theme throughout a year-long sew-a-long.The diamonds are a great border for this wallhanging.I would do some hand-quilting around the blocks with a simple sashiko stitch in heavier thread.At the sashing corners, maybe a embroidered teacup in mineature.Or, since most of the objects have rounded edges – a simple stitched circle.

  14. Great job!I like the idea of custom quilting in the border and sashing, and simple quilting in the blocks. Or maybe outlining the figures and adding dense quilting in the "wallpaper" to make the figures pop out. You could even follow the printed design in the background fabric.

  15. Looks great! I have all the patterns but haven't started mine yet. Love your border idea. It completes the retro look.

  16. Super cute! Great idea for the border. I am working on my last two blocks.

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