Kitchen remodel

I have another personal post to share!

Our Kitchen remodel!!

This is our kitchen BEEFORE, there’s a counter that goes out  so the counters are pretty much a U shape, we’ve lived here probably 15 years and the one thing that really bothered us by this kitchen was our “unholy trinity” you see where the sink is? to the right of that on the part that sticks out is the dish washer, then on the left is the trash can drawer, so if you stand by the sink, scrape stuff in the trash, rinse, put stuff in the dishwasher, and both parts are open, you’re stuck in this tiny little triangle!

a remodel is something we’ve been dreaming of, for years, no more counter sticking out like that but to have an island instead and the counter and a FARM sink under the window!!

Plus we recently got a big propane tank buried in the yard for a generator and the company also pulled lines to our grill and to underneath the kitchen, so we can get a gas stove  with electric oven.

Hubby is great at getting good deals and found this online somewhere,- 6 burners!! Oh-la-la!!- it’s Italian 😉

While Anja and I were in Arkansas, the cabinets came and Dan assembled them (in our dining room)

The first thing he (we) did was to take down this tall cabinet we had in the kitchen too, it was an awkward cabinets that used to have a wine rack -which we removed years ago, then glass door on the top part and we just stored random stuff in there, so instead we got 3 cabinets and stacked them and now use it as a pantry!! (we had a built in tiny little closet thing that was our pantry- didn’t work well with a family of 6! so often if we’d go to Costco and get boxes of canned stuff, we’re store those in my closet!!)

Then demo time!!

Upper cabinets got installed

And guess what we did with the upper cabinets?

We hung them in my studio upstairs! I had to move my embroidery machine out of the way and it’s too tall to be there now, so I have to figure out something else, but the cabinets look great there! Now I gotta buy stuff to fill them… just kidding. I actually have a walk out attic room next to my studio and it’s where we store craft supplies, my bolts of fabrics, things that can’t go in the attic, it’s packed with stuff, it used to be my old craft room and this room was the kids’ TV room, but years ago I outgrew the room and moved in here 😉

The room is a typical bonus room above the garage with this wet bar, which I didn’t really like, but it’s ok and that is a mini freezer actually, used to be a mini fridge, which I think I want again so I can fill it with sparkling water or water bottles. Our old fridge had a tiny freezer compartment so a few years ago we upgraded that and moved the old fridge to the garage and it works well for bulky frozen stuff and water bottles etc.

I’ll show another post next week with more progress pictures and more of my studio too!


3 thoughts on “Kitchen remodel”

  1. That’s so much more usable. I’m envious as my new dishwasher doesn’t even work, and there’s more I need fixed. Yours is looking great, though!

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