Oh How I love this new template I got!
Let me start from the beginning, first I got this book on sale from I think connecting threads, I just loved the look of the book and once I looked thru it I decided I HAD to buy this template, instead of making a flimsy thing from copying the book, so I called up the ONE store in NJ where they carry it- or at least the website reffered to this store, and who picked up the phone!? the author of the book! I thought that was really special, so we talked a little, and I placed my order for this SMART PLATE template for kaleidoscope quilting, this pattern was medium rating in the book, but I figured it out, it was lots of fun to make and I love the result.
It was supposed to have this extra wide border around, but when I finished the main part I stopped and figured it was big enough and used the border fabric for the backing fabric instead.
just did a funky all over free motion meandering
here’s the website for the template which comes with one free pattern BTWwww.smartplatequilting.comSay Hi to Sharon for me