July in review

I think last month I already wrote a July in review post but it was supposed to read JUNE! LOL.

This is JULY’s projects I finished.

Some Christmas ornaments with Island Batik fabrics


Two girl dresses


a bib


Flowing in the breeze quilt with Accuquilt and connecting threads


Monogram Thread Racks (okay so hubby made those!)


3 more bibs


Girl nightgown


Hexagon quilt


That’s it for the month Smile

2 quilts

3 dresses/outfits

2 ornaments

& 4 bibs

In August my son is starting his dual enrollment school in two weeks, Solveig will start school in 4 weeks and I’m teaching crafts at our church’s VBS again, so the busyness will start soon enough!

I really want to catch up on my UFO pile and quilt tops to finish them, we’ll see Smile

2 thoughts on “July in review”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Oh my gosh Bea have you been busy!! The girls are really getting big and it looks like you are working on some adorable dresses!

  2. SewMisadventurous

    I absolutely love the colours you used for that quilt (and the girls' dresses) Yet again a busy, busy month! Not sure what 'dual-enrollment' is, but even that sounds busy 😀 I can't work out who it is Anja is taking after, sometimes I see Dan, sometimes Solveig is it someone from your wider families? And I can't work out if in that photo you've given Sonja a Princess Leia 'do' 👼 (nearest I could get) or a pair of horns 🐂 🐃. 😂 Hope thing keep on going well for you all, will Sonja be going to school in September? Be odd for it to be just you and the baby. 💛 xx

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