Juki Long arm lessons

Thursday and Friday last week I was invited to attend a long arm Juki Quilting session at Capital Sew and Quilt in Cary NC, which included their computerized long arm.

It actually worked out perfectly because our friends Shawn and Nancy got stranded at our house since Tuesday! They were on the way back to FL from up north and drove over central NC and they both got sick in the car- long story- but it ended up being Carbon Monoxide poisoning and they ended up in the hospital Tuesday for 8 hrs, around midnight my husband helped them get their truck and trailer back to our house and the truck is stuck here and it took several days to try to find a solution to how to get them and their trailer back to FL, as no rental place could place, they either didn’t have trucks to carry that load or you can’t take the truck out of state! Ended up a couple from church has a large diesel truck and they were such a blessing! they jumped right in and came over and got everything hooked up and drove Shawn and Nancy to FL! and then they drive back to NC themselves. So while they were here at the house they watched Anja for me!!

The trainer showed how to load a quilt and how to use leaders etc. (there were also sales people being trained)


This Juki has a bobbin winder! very cool


Each day I had to leave “early” at 2.30pm to get kids from school, so I missed a bit, but I think I’ll figure it out fine Smile

Friday was the CAD program for the long arm

Quilter’s Creative touch 4 (made by Grace)

I’ve seen these programs at quilt shows and with my computer animation/ graphics knowledge, it was so neat to get more training in it!


The idea is for me (and one other lady who’s a quilter) to train or do classes for people who buy this system and need more help or guidance.

we’ll see how it goes, I just NEED this program!!

(It should work with my funquilter, so we’ll see)


I had fun at this class, though I think I annoyed the instructor a few times as I was several steps ahead and was asking questions already about stuff she didn’t get to yet! (yeah I was THAT type of a student!! ha ha)

I still learned a lot though!

1 thought on “Juki Long arm lessons”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    I bet that was fun Bea! So this software will work with your longarm? I hope you get one soon!

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