Jelly roll race quilt

Stupid livewriter had been “down” for a few days, I thought it was me, but googled it and found it’s been going on for several days. I often/usually schedule my posts ahead of time, so didn’t notice until the weekend πŸ™ so I’m back to going thru, but it takes a while to upload the pics….

anyone use another program for blog posts?

So Friday I wanted to start a NEW project and something I WANTED to do vs having to do, like all my quilt alongs etc. So I found a jelly roll I think from timeless treasures and there were a few pieces taken out of it but I figured I’d work with what I had, I looked at a few jelly roll books but nothing appealed to me, then I thought of the jelly roll race, I’ve made 2 in the past, one was a total FAIL because I made my own 2 1/2″ strips and the colors just didn’t go together, the 2nd one I think was okay, I gave it away, so it must have been fine πŸ™‚

That one I added black 2 1/2″ squares inbetween the strips and I wanted to try that again, so I sorted the strips of mostly greens and blues and there were 2 black strips, which I cut into 2 1/2″ squares (I had about 33 strips I think of the greens and blues) I also had 3 yellow strips which I put aside at first but then I wanted to add them in between as well so I calculated that I could cut 4″ sections and have enough so I added those next to the black.

 Here’s the mess in progress πŸ™‚

 It started to look great!

and here’s the finished top without a border, roughly 45″ x 60″

 then I found some solid black and added a 4 1/2″ border and enough for binding too.

What does it remind you of?

I saw BEES right away…. hubby saw Bees and DNA, so he thought the name Bee-DNA should be the name for the quilt, I think Buzzing bees sound nicer πŸ™‚

Either way I’m happy with it and I finished the main part before lunch and added the border in the afternoon, so EASY PEASY!

(One thing I miss in livewriter is the signature below, never figured out how to do that automatically)

9 thoughts on “Jelly roll race quilt”

  1. Yeah. Losing LiveWrite suckies big time. No fix in sight either:( Let me know if you find something that works well in it's place. I'm still looking.

  2. I like your quilt. Reminds me of one of my favorite video games. Frogger πŸ™‚ I had a frogger birthday party once too ha ha.

  3. Cool Jelly Roll Race Quilt. Reminds me of Frogger video game, too. I can imagine some jumping frogs appliqued on this one for fun. Note that I said "imagine" as I don't do applique. Maybe one day. Love the colors. Great guy quilt!

  4. buzzing bee sounds good to me. I have a few jelly rolls but the books all need added fabrics so this is a great idea, love the added black square and yellow

  5. Sowing Stitches

    Adorable! I didn't see the bees until you pointed them out…I saw a caterpillar fat and sassy ready to turn into a butterfly! πŸ™‚ Great pattern and I love the color combo!!!

  6. Andrea Stanfield

    I blog with WordPress, lots of options for basic sites up to fancy templates.I love your yellow and black spacers, plus the blue and green strips are perfect for the calm lazy days of summer.

  7. Cute Buzzy Bee DNA quilt. ;o)I need to do something like thatthanks for sharing yours.

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