Jelly Roll Bargello quilt

Recently when I was sorting thru my batiks for the last Blog hop for this year’s ambassadors (Blog hop in January) I realized I had put a pack of 2 1/2” strips and matching yardage in the same box that I didn’t touch since I pretty much got the fabrics this summer.

This fabric line is called Lavendula by Island Batik


at the same time I saw a pattern by Annie’s called “I used to be a layer cake” and the notes said you can also use a jelly roll! and it’s a BARGELLO quilt!

So of course I got the pattern (I get it from Annie’s as an affiliate)

and I went to work!

Now the 2 1/2” strip set I had, has 2 of each fabric of 20 fabrics, so it was easy to keep track of and I sewed them together how they were in the pack!


After sewing them together and sub-cutting after the directions, I laid out the strips, it was at this point that I realized that it was NOT mirror imaged in the pattern, but I really liked the look of it, so I kept going Winking smile

(what’s on the floor goes in the middle, but I ran out of space)


Here is what it looked like after I sewed 2 sections together across


and sections of 4


and 8 sections


and here’s the whole top together! it measured 41” x 57” I believe


I quilted feathers and swirls all over it and added a dark purple binding

bargello jelly roll layer cake quiltbargello jelly roll layer cake quilt

I liked it so much I hung it in our dining room!


It’s definitely a pattern I’ll try again with a layer cake or jelly roll!

11 thoughts on “Jelly Roll Bargello quilt”

  1. Oh Bea, this is just just stunning! I got the same pack as you, love that fabric, haven't decided what to make with mine yet. Merry Christmas!

  2. I love it. I want to do a bargello quilt but I have to find a pattern that I like for the cutting widths.

  3. Gorgeous quilt! I have helped people make them, but neer have done one myself. It looks perfect in your dining room.

  4. I love how it turned out. I had Lavendula and used it this summer for a project. I really like the colors.

  5. Shasta Matova

    The fabric is beautiful and you showcased it so wonderfully! Love the bargello quilt!

  6. I really like this! I was gifted a pack of batik strips so I might use this idea to use them up.

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