January in review

January is already OVER and it’s February!!

Here in NC the weather has just been ODD!! There were days where we could go outside in just a shirt and no jacket, other days it was freezing in the mornings but then warmed up throughout the day, but NO SNOW!! (My kids are bummed about that)

I’ve been busy making secret things behind the scenes, but did complete some things in January that I can show!

A Blue and white baby quilt

Yellow and grey string quilt

QOV quilt

Churn dash winter quilt

This Batik kitty table runner

Grey and yellow Chimney sweep quilt

so 6 quilts that I could show plus others I couldn’t 😉

ALL were made with Accuquilt dies!!

and some little things too….


1 thought on “January in review”

  1. You’re incredible. I could never think of finishing so many quilts in such a short time. But actually I finished two bigger quilts and some smaller in January. The two quilts are for a competition in the Norwegian Quilt Guild, and will be exposed in March in Stavanger. Have a nice week! We got our first snow of the year today.

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