I’ve had a busy week

This week my best friend from Denmark came to visit with her husband and 2yr old daughter, they were renting an RV in D.C. and drove down to see us for a few days then left again Wednesday to see the mountains and eventually make their way up to Niagara Falls and then back to D.C all within 3 weeks Smile

Tuesday we all went to the Zoo, it was a perfect day for it, mid 70s and just a little cloudy.


Sonja liked to sit on the Carousel, but once it started moving up and down, she got scared!


It’s always tradition to have the kids crawl on these big balls spheres (that sounds better) here I guess they are doing some “planking”


Sonja is doing her own planking in the stroller, just on her back Winking smile




Ended with some fun at the playground


5 thoughts on “I’ve had a busy week”

  1. What a fun time. Love all the photos, but absolutely delighted to know your friend from Denmark was able to come for a visit. SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  2. how wonderful that your friend was able to visit. glad you all had a good time at the zoo. that was always a highlight in our summer as the kiddos grew up.

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