I’ve been crocheting!

So last week, my friend Laura asked me to show her how to crochet.

I haven’t crocheted in years and couldn’t find my pouch of hooks (sigh!)

But I did find my patterns and this one is one of my favorites!

and you know how it goes, once someone else wants to do something, you want to do it too!!

So I grabbed this pattern and headed to walmart!


I got some new hooks and yarn and a bit of ribbon.

I showed Laura basic chains and sc stitches for now, meanwhile I started THIS!

and after a few days it was done 🙂


Love the little booties too.



Now after church on Sunday, we went to a sports store and it just HAPPENED to be next to a craft store, so I got another book of patterns and more yarn!! – so now I’m a “hooker” again LOL

wait and see 😉

Also in the car for our ride to church, I brought the 1/2” hexies and fabrics to glue baste and I finished glue basting all 100 and some of them and even started sewing them together, they go surprisingly fast, I guess because they are so tiny.


I also made another fabric bowl out of left over binding strips, Sonja requested PINK and this is what she got!

After that I had some other stiff cording and started a red bowl but actually bent a needle and it stopped the machine twice in a short time, so I tossed that cording and ordered more on amazon (for later of course!)


I’ve also been working on a secret angel GO project


What have you been up to?

BTW if you are on twitter, you can follow me here

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(hmm I need to figure out how to add those buttons on the right)

3 thoughts on “I’ve been crocheting!”

  1. Hahaha, that is so true someone else mentions it or shows me and I wantta do it!! I was looking at crochet patterns for American Girl doll stuff last night. No I didn't start-yet, LOL But that is such a cute outfit you made.

  2. Your crocheting is wonderful and that little outfit is precious. You certainly finished it quickly. Creative Crochet Bliss…

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