It’s pretty Pawsome!

A few weeks ago Solveig showed me this video on YouTube where someone made faux fur claw/ paws and Solveig actually researched what materials she needed and how much it would cost and she had her own money saved up! So last Sunday (Before thanksgiving) we went to JoAnn’s and bought everything for it, mittens, foam, faux fur, hot glue gun sticks, clay and I’m not sure what else.

She followed the directions and made the mittens with the foam, then I told her instead of cutting up the expensive fur, to use some of my muslin and make a pair first or at least one glove, which she did and at first it was tricky, but it taught her to think 3D and how things go together.


She had made her own templates first from masking tape she tapes around the hands, then cut those apart and trace onto paper and then onto muslin….


Working hard on it and using the seam ripper several times over the Thanksgiving break, she finally made a pair of paws!


She also added the pads! The Warm company had sent me some new “stuff” that I don’t even know the name of, but it’s sort of hard on one side then light weight but pretty thick poly batting, I had made something with it already and had a good chunk of it leftover and Solveig used that to wrap the pad minky fabric around and hot glued it onto the fur, where she did trim a bit of the long fur first


She also made fimo clay claws which she baked in the over and hot glued as well!


Very proud of her, that she didn’t give up and used my SEWING machine!! (actually my backup, she started on mine first, but I kicked her off of it as it was a project that took several days! but it was nice to have her sew across from me and we talked and just hung out)-just makes me laugh that two years ago I “forced” Solveig to make her own Pajama bottoms here and it about killed her!! ha ha, now she did something SHE wanted to do and well, at least now she knows how the sewing machine works!

She’s working on a blue pair of paws next btw!

7 thoughts on “It’s pretty Pawsome!”

  1. Isn't it just awesome when our kids like doing something that we do! Very creative of her, and when it turns out so cute it inspires them to do more. I have to make time to get my oldest GS over here again as he has been saying he wants to sew again:))))

  2. Ha! sometimes you just have to find a project that makes learning "worth it" to try.

  3. QuiltShopGal

    Solveig did a fantastic job. I love those bear claw gloves. Looks like they'll be great fun this winter.

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