It’s my birthday SALE!

It’s my birthday today!

To celebrate, I have a coupon for you

it’s for 3 regular priced patterns for $20 so normally 3 patterns would be $27 so it’s $7 off or $2 for the 3rd pattern, which ever  way you want to look at it 🙂

I have 60 patterns in my shop so go have a look!!

enter 3for20 at checkout

Coupon valid until Jan 25th

12 thoughts on “It’s my birthday SALE!”

  1. Happy Birthday Bea, I hope you see lots of moola rolling in today! Then go buy yourself something special:)

  2. Happy Birthday Bea. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. And what a great way to celebrate, with a sale on your lovely patterns.

  3. I needed to be reminded that there ARE good things to celebrate today. Happy Birthday, Bea! Thank you for sharing your life and your talents with all of us.
    Praying God’s blessings and peace to you and your family.

  4. Happy Birthday Bea! People born in January are the best people – mine was on the 18th ;0)
    I hope you got spoiled by your family xx

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