It’s my birthday and I have a giveaway



It’s my birthday!

I’m not going to say my age, but in 2 yrs I’ll be 40!

I know you may say that’s not old, but some times I feel it, some times I don’t Winking smile

I feel it when I met young college students and find out that I could be their MOTHER!…. or when we talk about something from the 80s and my kids have NO clue what it is, like a cassette tape!!! SIGH….

Today Connecting threads is sponsoring a giveaway for one of my followers!

That coincides with an announcement…

I have one of my patterns featured as a KIT thru connecting threads!
(US and Canada only)

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it’s called feeling better.



(It was something Sonja used to say for a while, when we asked her how she was doing or feeling- her reply would always be “feeling better”)

I will also give away 3 of the PDF patterns that I will email to you!
PDFs I can email anywhere!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends on the 27th

50 thoughts on “It’s my birthday and I have a giveaway”

  1. Have the happiest of birthdays! Your quilt design/kit looks like something my Dad would like.

  2. I would make this quilt for my aunt, who helped to transaction her grandmother's diary thatI just read with my father. She had a stroke and is in a home..barely able to hold her eyes open. And yesterday when I called her…she said she was feeling better.Why this quilt inspires me: When my grandmother was a girl, she helped her father trap and hunt. She shared the story of how a small herd (100 head) of buffalo stampeded towards her just after she had killed her first elk. Some cowboys saved her…one of whom she later married.. her experience of meeting Sioux Indians, opening a tagging post in the Dakota territory on what became the forbid Indian reservation…the trials and tribulations of lifewhile traveling from the Dakota territory to eventually end up in Washington state…was and is a gift to read.

    1. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! (I kind of got lost in memory sharing) btw…the 80's were epic! W had Luke and Laura, Sinead, Madonna… big hair, high waisted jeans and shoulder pads… ked sneakers and purple eyeshadow!

    2. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! (I kind of got lost in memory sharing) btw…the 80's were epic! W had Luke and Laura, Sinead, Madonna… big hair, high waisted jeans and shoulder pads… ked sneakers and purple eyeshadow!

  3. Happy Birthday. My brother is due to get a quilt and this would go well in his "man cave"

  4. Wishing you a great big Happy Birthday!! I know what you mean, we do feel really old when we think or mention things from the 80's or 70's and 60's for me!! But we are not dinosaurs yet, LOL. At the moment I am not sure who would get the quilt, sometimes I don't know until it is done 🙂

  5. Happy birthday!! A lot of celebrations around here! :)Thanks for offering a giveaway! The quilt looks great for a charity donation, it also has the perfect name! Thanks again and happy birthday!!!!!

  6. Happy Birthday! I would make that quilt for my aunt, who is very sad about being moved to a nursing home. I think it would give her comfort!

  7. Happy Birthday Bea! Wow ! Great little quilt! I would make it for my mum who is in a retirement home!

  8. Laura Stutzman

    This would be a fin quilt to make for my hubby or for my father-in-law. Both are hunters and lovers of wild animals.

  9. I would make this for my husband, he loves to hunt. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the giveaway.

  10. You have a very very happy birthday! Just remember we never really have to admit being over 21! 🙂

  11. happy birthday and thanks for sharing with your giveaway. i think i would make this and give it to my friend, jean, whose year is not off to a good start. i think this would cheer her up.

  12. Happy Birthday – I would make a quilt for on elf the charity groups we support in our quilt group

  13. Catskill Quilter

    This kit would be a lovely gift for my daughter who lives in Sweden! I love Connecting Threads.

  14. Catskill Quilter

    I would give this lovely kit to my daughter in Sweden — she would love it!

  15. I'll reserve any comments about the age you have hit with this birthday. LOL (Hey, I am being really nice considering I hit that one 16 yrs ago. OMG now *I* feel really old admitting that) I just wanted to stop and tell you Happy Birthday Bea! Enjoy your day and honestly, don't worry about that number. It is just a number and yes, I know everyone says that, but you have wonderful children and a great man to keep you young for a long time. Have a great day and enjoy your family. As far as what I would do if I won? To be honest, if you draw my number, please feel free to let me know but then if you would, give it to the next person posting right after me, OR draw again since that's your choice. I really do not need anything else in my house right now unless I absolutely need it. Until I am done organizing my horrible mess I've created that's spread around my entire house, I'm not going to use it if I win. It would go into that big hole called the spare bedroom (or as my husband has begun calling it – Quilt Cave #2)

  16. Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek]

    Happy happy birthday! I'd make it and keep it in our basement sitting room or bring it to the family lake cabin 🙂

  17. Happy Happy Birthday to you! I love this this. I have a nephew with a birthday coming up…this would make a fabulous quilt for him. It's always a challenge to find "male" worthy quilts. Thanks so much for sharing the giveaway when it's YOUR birthday!

  18. Diane Beavers

    The quilt would go t one of my sons to display in their entertainment area of their home.Happy Birthday, remember "all the world is a birthday cake…but don't have too much:)"

  19. Sending birthday wishes for an amazing day!! I'd love to make this quilt for my brother, I know that he would love it!!

  20. QuiltShopGal

    Happy Birthday Bea. And congratulations for having one of your designs featured as a Kit with Connecting threads. Lovely design and fabrics. Peeks my interest as my BIL/SIL retired from Federal Fish and Game working their entire career in Alaska. I'll definitely check out this kit as it seems like it would be perfect for

  21. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! LOTS OF SPECIAL BLESSINGS–ALWAYS! Love the Quilt!! I would make & give to my Daughter & her Husband! Perfect for them…and she collects Moose! giggle…. Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way! 🙂

  22. Happy Birthday. Thanks for sharing it with us with the generous giveaway. Beautiful quilt!

  23. Happy Birthday to you. I would probably make the quilt and donate it to local Hospice.

  24. Irene Storteboom

    Trying again. Happy birthday, and no, you are not old, even though I am sure you feel that was sometimes with 4 children from newborn to teenager, wow! In any case, hope your day was great and your year will be filled with many blessings. I would love to win this, I am newly retired and a newbie quilter, and it would be so exciting to win this beautiful kit! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  25. Happy Birthday! I'd love to sew this quilt and give it to my son!nikilsend(at)outlook(dot)com

  26. Happy Birthday! I'd love to sew this quilt and give it to my son!nikilsend(at)outlook(dot)com

  27. Happy Birthday! I would make this kit and keep it for myself. Thanks!Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  28. How sweet your pattern is. Happy birthday – maybe a day late, but still heartfelt. Thanks for the giveaway chance, but as birthday girl, YOU are supposed to get the presents! I was catching up on your blog and your new baby is a sweet looking one. I hope the disposition matches the looks. =) I'm amazed how much you get done, even as a new mom, who also has other young children! dezertsuz at gmail

  29. Crafty Tokyo Mama

    Happy Birthday!I would be 100% selfish and keep this quilt for myself, as I really like wildlife motifs. That red plaid sets off the animals so well!

  30. My husband's answer to how are you is "better than you" one of our granddaughters would say when she was feeling ill was "feel me better"So I guess I'd have to make 2 one for each Colleen

  31. Karyn Ashley-Smith

    I hope you enjoy your special day! I'd send this pattern to s friend who has a ton of focus fabrics 🙂 love it!! Thanks!

  32. Happy birthday! Quilts can make anything feel better. I would give it to my sister.

  33. Happy Birthday, Bea. Thanks so much for sharing. I love your blog and your quilt.

  34. Happy Birthday, I hope that you are still celebrating! I would make this for my sister!

  35. Belated Happy Birthday to you! I just found your blog via Bloglovin'. I love the idea of writing a list of projects to get done. I've done that in the past, but gave up when faced with health issues by family members. I am planning on making a list for this year with all the things that got put on a back burner from 2 years past as well as this year. Anyway, I would make the quilt and give it to my SIL who is battling a rare form of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is going through chemo now and could use it to keep warm.

  36. Happy Birthday to you! I would make something to a friend of mine who does a lot for me without charging. This would be a great gift to her. Thanks.

  37. Happy Belated Birthday!I'm trying to catch up on my blog readingI've missed so much. Like your birthdayHope it was a great one

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