It’s my 4 year Blog-iversary!


And Connecting threads is sponsoring a giveaway!!

CT Logo_web

Have you ever tried their threads?? I love the array of lovely colors and recently purchased this rainbow colored set, great for appliqueing to fit your fabrics!


All you have to do to win is comment and tell me what the weather is like where you live and where you are of course!

we got a snow day today in NC, about 1” but enough to close schools and go down our tiny hill on a boogie board, but it’s COLD and windy.

Open to US and Canada

a 2nd comment if you’re a follower Smile

I’ll pick a winner Next Wednesday the 5th.- Gosh it’s almost February already!

209 thoughts on “It’s my 4 year Blog-iversary!”

  1. Jeanne in Ohio

    I live in north central Ohio and it's 14 degrees here. We have about a foot of snow in our yard, but it's cozy in my sewing room!

  2. It's 40 in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, which feels like a heatwave after our -2 yesterday with a -15 wind chill factor. It's always changing.

  3. Happy Cottage Quilter

    I love Connecting Thread threads. Miss their variegated colors 🙁 The weather is a little cool here today, but it's been mostly in the 70's in the daytime. Love living in Florida.

  4. I'm in northern VA near DC and we got less than one inch of snow, but it's COLD. It's only been above freezing one day in the past 2 weeks… can't wait for spring!!

  5. Happy blogoversary! What beautiful thread! Like fabric, we can always use more thread LOL Cold here today, in Quebec, Canada…currently -12C but with windchill feels like -20C. Cozy beside woodstove though!

  6. And you know I'm following you…Through GFC but mainly through my bloglist where I can spy your updates as they come LOL

  7. Catskill Quilter

    I am in northern Florida, and feeling grateful that it is 40 degrees here. Poor Atlanta! Hope you are cozy and warm….love Connecting Threads' fabrics!

  8. Wishing you a Happy Blog-iversary! 🎉I follow your blog from northern Alberta where it is partly cloudy with occasional flurries and -13' temperatures.Thanks for all your posts, I've learned so much from you.

  9. We're having a heat wave in Missouri, it's 33 degrees atm! However, we've not had any snow to go with our latest batch of cold weather – bummer.

  10. I live in Northeast Arkansas and today is 40 degrees after a low of 8 degrees last night.

  11. it's cold here in central illinois, but the windchill is only something like 14, so we are HEADING OUT OF THE HOUSE today! this is revolutionary…

  12. I'm in Middle Tennessee, and it's 26, which is warmer than it's been in over the last couple of days! I was SUPPOSED to be in Buffalo this week (dodged that bullet)… 🙂

  13. Vroomans' Quilts

    Happy Blogaversary!! I'm in New York state and like so many, cold and snow!

  14. Courtneysews

    I live in NY and we had a new inch of snow this morning. No snow day though lol. It is super cold!!! Thanks for the give-away and congrats!

  15. I'm in Indiana enjoying a "heat wave" of 16 degrees today. The water main broke last night and my street is a frozen mess. Normally, I enjoy winter, but this one has been brutal. I'm ready for spring!Congrats so much on your blogaversary…I enjoy your posts!

  16. Barbara Ensor

    Fort Worth Texas and it was 24 degrees this m8rning. 79 on last Sunday!

  17. Barbara Ensor

    Fort Worth Texas and it was 24 degrees this m8rning. 79 on last Sunday!

  18. Hi, I follow through Bloglovin. I live in New York out on eastern Long Island. I woke up to 3 or 4 inches of fluffy white snow and a temp in the low 20's. My son has the day off from school, yay! Enjoy

  19. Debbie Rogowski

    I'm in SE Texas and we have just had 2 days of severe ice and 29° weather. And because we are in SE Texas tomorrow we will be shedding all of our outerwear and playing outside as the temps are rising quickly. I've been following you for a few years mostly on my RSS feeds but I did sign into Blogger too.

  20. Four dogs and one quilter

    I am in western Oregon and it is a 46 degrees. No to bad compared to some places in the US.

  21. Joyce Carter

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, BEA. I live in N.E. Georgia and we got our first snow yesterday. We have about 1 1/2 to 2 inches. The temp has been in the 20's all day.It sure is pretty though. Thank you for the giveaway.

  22. I'm just outside Cleveland, Ohio and while we have less than a foot of snow on the ground, we have had temps below 20 deg the last few days. Too cold to even bother going outside or shopping!

  23. Sheffield Beehive

    Greetings from shivery cold Vermont. A bright, sunny day but temps only made it up to around 17 and night time lows around 20 below. Surprised to see all the bad weather in NC — we moved up to VT from Beaufort NC where it never snowed.

  24. I love Connecting Threads! I order from them quite a lot. I am in SC and we are having snow mixed with ice here. It has been a fun day!

  25. Happy Blogiversary! I'm in the western burbs of Chiberia (Chicago). Today it's sunny and finally got up to 20 degrees. We've had snow on the ground since mid December with more on the way tomorrow, Saturday and early next week. I'm so over winter. Bring on Spring.

  26. Marjorie's Busy Corner

    I love Connecting Threads…it has been snowing all day here in New Brunswick, Canada..not heavy; but steady

  27. Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek]

    South Dakota. Love it and I never hope to live anywhere else again! (We just moved back from MT)

  28. Hi!!!! Congrats on four years blogging!!! I am in La Grange Ky and it is very cold and has been for awhile!!! I am ready for spring!!!!

  29. I live in Spokane, WA, and today we finally got some snow. Only about an inch, but we need it. Looking forward to more of your great posts!

  30. I live in Missouri. Cold, darn cold here. I read you on Feedly. Sure do miss my Google reader.

  31. Sharon Eshlaman

    I live in lower Michigan 60 miles from the Indiana border. Today it was sunny and 17 above. Sure beats the 2 below we have been getting.

  32. I currently,live in north central Florida where it is grey but at least not too cold. About 50 degrees here today.

  33. I am one of your happy followers. Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  34. Nancy at

    I live in Grand Rapids, MI where it is cold and snow, snow and more snow. Oh and did I mention snow! High of 15 degrees today.Blessings,Nancy

  35. Congrats on your 4th year blogging! We have been under the Artic Dome of the Polar Vortex forever here in Northwestern Ontario, Canada (I live in the sticks north of Lake Superior). Starting to get weary of this deep freeze so your post for colourful thread is a welcome sight!!

  36. I am following you and your blog via Bloglovin' – thanks for an extra chance!!

  37. Congrats on 4 years of blogging. I do enjoy your blog even though I don't always leave a comment.I live in NC too and also got 1" of snow. I love it but with the temps warming up tomorrow it will begin to melt.

  38. Here in Alabama we had a snow day too. It only barely got above freezing -if at all. Tonight we are expecting single digit temperatures. Brrrr. We are also going in at noon tomorrow .

  39. It was only in the 50s here today, near Orlando…in two days it will be 81 though lol

  40. barbara woods

    hi dear, snow here to, high of 24 today here in Georgia, thanks for the chance

  41. Crickets Corner

    Happy Blogiversary! I'm here in Missouri 15 miles from the Kansas line and it's 40 with a mean wind so feels colder. It's ugly out with nothing but dormant brown grass and leafless trees. I wish it would either snow or bring on Spring.

  42. I live in Oregon and while our weather has been cold it is not nearly as cold as most of the country and really normal for this time of year. Today we had a light drizzle with the sun out for a few minutes in the afternoon. I love the thread from Connecting Threads and have some of those colors you got in your set.

  43. Happy Blogiversary-here in SE Minnesota we had a heat wave today of 23 deg!! Hey it's been below zero for highs lately and windy,brrrr.

  44. Happy, happy blog-iversary Bea!! In Iowa it is cold!! Monday and Tuesday the kids didn't have school because of that! Great giveaway!

  45. Happy Blog-iversary! Here in KY we have had too much winter weather! Today started out at minus 5, but felt balmy at 22 this afternoon. Schools have been closed all but about 3 days in January. I am ready for spring!

  46. M-R Charbonneau

    Ooh, I've heard good things about their thread, but haven't tried it yet. Congrats on your blogiversary, Bea! I'm in Ottawa and it's -30 Celsius here. Good times. Lol!

  47. Hi Bea, Congrats on you blog versary. I am near Wichita KS, today it was about 50 degrees. Wish we had snow or rain because it is so very dry. I use CT threads too.

  48. I'm in Texas, just north of Fort Worth. It was 16 deg this morning and I believe the high today was 44. We haven't had rain in quite some time so it is very dry here.

  49. I have been following you quite some time first via email and now via Bloglovin'. Thanks for all you do.

  50. I live in far west Texas, so far that our town is bordered on the west side by New Mexico. It's been cold for Texas, 40s and 50s daytime and just freezing temperature at night. BUT tomorrow the weatherman says we will be 75 degrees F. Yay! Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  51. I'm a long-time follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  52. Happy blogiversary. Also in NC, but we got about 5" of snow. May set a record cold night tonight. Thanks for the chance to win.

  53. Anne-Marie B.

    Congratulations on your 4th blogiversary! It is cold around my place (I am in Canada, province of Quebec), -29 Celsius!

  54. Anne-Marie B.

    I am a follower! I love your blog! And thanks for all the EQ tutorials!

  55. Bonnie Pfrimmer

    I am in sunny Arizona!! It is not to hot nor to cold. We only get about 1 month of this weather then it gets really hot..It is about 73 degrees. Congratulations on your blogiversary…

  56. Kat Scribner

    I follow you by email and yes, I love Connecting Threads…thread and everything else,including their customer service.

  57. Kat Scribner

    Yes, I love Connecting Threads thread. It is bitter freezing cold here in the midwest, NE Indiana! Winter is not giving us a break this year.

  58. Lorene Holbrook

    Love, love, love connecting threads thread! Oh yeah!!!! the weather here is perfect! low 70's. we live for this weather. from AZ.

  59. Pat from Florida and Michigan

    I'm a follow from the beginning, I think. Or close to:)

  60. Pat from Florida and Michigan

    Weather in Central FL today 40's and rainy and ick! But 80's yesterday, and a warm up is on the way. I want my flip flops back! At least when I have to wear socks, I wear cute ones! Quilts, frogs, etc. Happy blogiversary!

  61. Terry@ a quilting blog

    It was in the mid 60s today in the desert SW!Congrats on your 4th year Blogiversary…and many more Bea!!!

  62. I order thread from them all the time. They have great sales. I live in Pendleton, Oregon. We were supposed to have freezing rain today but ended up getting into the 30s and no ice. Nice not to slip on the roads.

  63. DebraKay Neiman

    In central Oklahoma, 33 degrees and windy. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  64. DebraKay Neiman

    Follow on bloglovin. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  65. Today was a bit cloudy with some chance of rain. Temps in the high sixties. It's been really warm here, with highs in the 70's lately, but we really need the rain. We haven't had winter yet. I'm in Northern California. Congrats on blogging 4 years. I've enjoyed reading about your journey.

  66. Jane's Fabrics and Quilts

    Just stopped in to say congratulations ! Please let someone else win your giveaway. On to year five!

  67. It was 15 degrees today, with wind chill below zero this morning. School was cancelled for the second day in a row because of the cold. Happy blogiversary!emyerly(at)wideopenwest(dot)com

  68. I follow you by email. Congratulations on 4 years!!emyerly(at)wideopenwest(dot)com

  69. I live in northern Calif, where it has been nicer than summer here…in the 70's, no wind, no fog. We are unfortunately having quite the drought, and we are hoping for any rain that comes our way.

  70. Congratulations on your Blogaversary Bea! It's 17 below 0 zero in WI today, but that's a warm up from the past few days, so we will take it! Thanks for the giveaway, and thanks as always for your inspiring blog.

  71. TheStylishHome

    I'm a very happy follower in COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLD Connecticut. It's a balmy 12 degrees right now, with just a dusting of snow.

  72. It is raining here and 46 degrees in Vancouver, Wa. It has been a chilly but very mild winter so far. Love the threads and congrats on your milestone Bea

  73. I am in Aurora, Colorado and it is currently 48 degrees but by this time tomorrow, we'll probably be covered with snow. They are forecasting the snow in the mountains in feet instead of inches. Crazy weather!

  74. I live in Michigan and we have been around 0-2° all winter and with the windchill in the negative marks. Has been the coldest winter so far in a long time. We are suppose to get up in the 20's today though 🙂 Thank you for a great giveaway.

  75. Happy Blogiversary Bea! Wow 4 years already? The weather? One word; YUCK! Actually today we are so far having a heat wave at the high temp for the past week of a whopping 23 degrees already this morning. The past week has been miserable. Mon/Tues this week the temps were nearing a -15 to – 20 degrees, which is something we do see each winter here in N. IL, but the wind chills on those days were between -35 and -50 degrees below zero. Miserable. So ya, we'll take the 'heat wave' today of 23 degrees. Sadly, that also comes with a forecast of about 3 inches of snow today.

  76. being in England I know I won't be taking part in the giveaway, but I just wanted to say "Happy Blogaversary". I hope it involved cake of some kind. xx

  77. I live in Ontario, Canada and we are having an extremely cold winter, so cold that the kids are not allowed outside at school for days on end….snow below normal average but need to escape from this deep freeze! awolk at rogers dot com

  78. Our weather is the opposite of yours. In California we are having record highs. The SF Bay Area is in the mid 70's most of January. Drought conditions prevail. A water emergency has been declared and voluntary restrictions are in place; cut at least 10% water use. Mandatory restrictions are but a month away. Today we had rain.: ,01'". Grand total for year is still under 3". We should have 14" for the rain year which starts July 1 and ends June 30. each year. Our previous record low year was 1929 with 6" of rain. No major rainstorms are predicted for the season. Polar Vortex back east means balmy weather out here. Thanks, Bea for the give away.


    It is cold, well actually warmer today it is actually 10 degrees here in Southeastern Michigan.

  80. It's about 38 degrees at the moment but supposed to reach a high of 68 here in Austin TX. Happy blogaversary!

  81. Sowing Stitches

    I woke up to 8* and lingering snow in my corner of NC this morning. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  82. I live in NW Ontario, Canada. The weather here has been terribly cold. Temperatures are -20-28 degrees C with windchills of -30 to -40 degrees C. They are saying the same is expected for February. Brrrrrrrrrr.Janet

  83. Wendy Buchanan

    I live in Quebec Canada near the Ontario border. It's about 5 F now but we have had it -5F for what seems like weeks. We are ready for winter and January to end. No snow today and blue sky it looks nice if you stay inside:) Wendy

  84. Very windy today. Should be in the low 70s in West Texas. But colder weather is headed our way over the weekend.

  85. Happy Anniversary – I've enjoyed following you via email for a few of those years!

  86. This morning it a glorious 27 degrees here outside of St. Louis, MO – seems almost like Spring compared to the cold we've been having.

  87. I live in Ramona, CA (suburb of San Diego) and it has been between 70 and 80 for weeks. Send the snow this way! I follow you.

  88. rosemarie garone

    very cold here in long island. happy anniversary and kudoos to year 5. thank you to connecting threads for the give away. stay warm everyone. its not over yet.

  89. Its going to be 45 degrees here in Oklahoma today. clear and sunny. Love those bright colored threads!!!

  90. I live in Chandler, Arizona (just outside of Phoenix) and it's been in the 70's during the day. Right now at 7:40 am, it's 46 degrees!Happy Blogiversary!!! Yeah Bea!Dawn array-dawn at cox dot net

  91. I follow you on Bloglovin' and by email too! I don't want to miss your blog! LOL Dawn array-dawn at cox dot net

  92. Happy blog-aversary. I live in Illinois. Right now we are having a "heat wave" LOL It has reached 25 (begging of week was in the negatives) It is gray and windy and we are having snow flurries.Thanks for a chance

  93. I do love where I live. The best part is the neighbors. I live north of Dallas Tx. I'm usually complaining that it is too cold or too hot, but who isn't complaining about something. I sit in the central air set at 75 in sweat pants under a thick comforter..don't have a quilt in here yet..

  94. MooseStashQuilting

    The big "4" huh? Congratulations! Time does go by fast when your having fun. Nothing is more fun than blogging! I do love Connecting Threads thread. I just bought a ton of their long arm thread and am looking forward to giving it a try.Keep warm, the weather has been brutal for so many! Feeling better?

  95. Hi Bea! Congrats on the anniversary!I live in Pitt Meadows, BC CANADA and the weather today is cool and clear!Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. Hi Bea!I am also a longtime follower!Thanks,Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  97. I live in your part of NC, and we've got about 4" of snow on the ground. I'm hoping at all melts tomorrow!

  98. I've been following you on Bloglovin for quite a while now. Lots of inspirational ideas!

  99. Gwen Ziegler

    I live in Griffin Ga, south of Atlanta. Snow and Ice windy and cold…. tomorrow is going to be in the 50's 🙂 so we can keep Dr. apts.Last yr I participated in your pincushion exchange, so sad I could not do so this yr it was so much fun.Gwen

  100. I live in Minnesota! Another snowy morning and long commute to work. At least we are finally above zero degree temps.

  101. Im in the UK and to-day has been COLD and dry xx crispy I recon xxWOW! 3 years well done x

  102. Teresa in Music City

    I'm just outside of Nashville and the temps are unbelievably cold here!!! I believe my husband said it was 3 degrees yesterday morning when he left the house – yikes!!! We are used to the high teens being considered frigid – not zero!!! I've been staying tucked up warmly in my home – thank you Lord for a warm home and a good husband to let me stay there!!!

  103. Teresa in Music City

    And yes, of course, I'm a follower! Delighted to congratulate you on your 4th Blogiversary :*)

  104. I live in western PA and today the sun was shining and the temp went from -4 this morning to 28. The past two days it never got above 12 and the wind was blowing so it was bitter.

  105. Congrats and thanks for being an inspiration!!!!!I follow email and blog loving.

  106. I live south of Orlando Florida in Avon Park and it has been raining for two days and the temp is 48 degrees

  107. I'm in Houston, earlier this week we had a "snow/ice" day. Sub freezing weather for 3 days, and tomorrow will be in the 70s.

  108. Hi Bea! It is COLD in Nashville, TN–as cold as a record label's heart! Love the pretty colored threads–they look like fun!

  109. And here's my second comment, since I'm a follower: did I mention that it is COLD in Nashville, TN? It's very cold. Too cold. Cussin' cold.

  110. I am in The bay area CA and it has been pretty nice abut 65. Weather report says we are due for some rain this weekend

  111. Joanne Lattrell

    Love Connecting Threads thread for piecing.Quality thread for a great price. 22 degrees in central Vermont, feels warm after all that sub zero weather.

  112. Here in Knoxville, TN, we supposedly had six inches, and I could count five of them on my deck, so they probably did somewhere. At 8 am, it's 21, but Tuesday when it snowed, it didn't get past 21 all day. It says the low last night was 3, but I don't believe it or it wouldn't be 21 now! dezertsuz at gmail. Thx for the chance at the giveaway.

  113. Valerie Banks

    HAppy Blogiversary! It is snowing-a bunch- here in Western Colorado. Thankfully no wind so it is a beautiful, peaceful white day 🙂

  114. Laura Stutzman

    Yeah I figured out how to comment! Had to switch from school account! Congrats Bea

  115. Its Saturday Feb. 1…we have a nice blanket of fluffy snow (only about 1") and it's 24°…beautiful and balmy for Omaha NE.

  116. I am a regular follower. I love how so many things here are Accuquilt friendly.

  117. It's a cold -3 degrees here today. Kids did not have school from Friday through Wednesday due to the wind chill factors of down to -19 degrees. I'm crossing my fingers that there is school tomorrow. I need to get a few things done!

  118. Congratulations on your 4 years! I'm just starting my blogging! I hope to get to 1 year. Maybe we can talk sometime. I live in Utah. We got a weird snow storm that had some rain in it. It caused very icy road.

  119. yes I use their thread all the time but could always use more, especially in a pretty rainbow of colors like those. You know that I'm unfortunately in a very cold upstate New York. Uggg! At least it isn't below zero this morning.

  120. Happy blogiversary, Bea! I'm in Jerusalem, Israel, and looking out the window now it's sunny, but light rain is forecast for today.

  121. In Tomball, Tx it is now 46 and raining but that could change at any moment. That's Texas for ya.I'm a regular following

  122. The weather in Western Michigan, 30 miles from the Lake Michigan shore is very cold, deep snow from many days of snowing. And the chunk of iced snow behind my front car tire needs to MELT! Oh, happy anniversary!

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