It’s my 20 year Wedding Anniversary!

first date or close

I can’t believe I’ve been married for 20 years!

This picture was probably taken while we were still dating, so around 1997, it was some sort of festival in South Florida!


Here’s our wedding picture, we got married in Denmark Smile


Here’s a picture from 10yrs ago

(and that’s a pen behind Dan’s ear btw)


And here we are with 4 awesome kids!

wow time flies!

I Love you Dan!

-we’ve had our ups and down, like any couple, but we’ve also realized that we are NOT GOD and never will be, we’re not perfect, far from it, we love each other and it’s a CHOICE that we’ve made, a vow to God and each other to Love each other to death do us part.

20 years seems like such a long time, I’ve known Dan longer than I’ve not known him, how wild is that! and yet it seems like a blink of the eye.

It was just the other day that I was visiting our mutual friends Steve and Bridget and Dan came home from work (he was their room mate) and he came over and we shook hands and he said “ Hi, you’re the Danish chick!?) Yup! that was me……later we went on a double date that Bridget secretly arranged, it was supposed to be just me and Steve and Bridget, then she said “that guy Dan” is coming too, and we went out to some bar, I wasn’t old enough to drink, but we ate and talked and later Bridget asked me if I liked Dan, that he said I was cute and wanted to ask me out on a date, I said okay, but don’t tell him I said anything, then she told him that Bea thinks you’re cute, you should ask her out on a date! and he did! we went on a date on Oct 26 1996 and then got married on Dec 26 1998 in Denmark. God definably brought us together and he KEEPS us together. we LOVE each other and are committed to each other! it’s odd that now we’ve seen friends get married and divorced and it’s just heartbreaking! It makes me think of my friend Danielle’s diseased husband John, him and Dan would joke about “it’s cheaper to keep her” ha ha! I can’t help but also think about John and Danielle, they were such a great couple, have 3 great kids and we’ve known them for around 10yrs I think, and then one day John was just GONE! a terrible accident, but God has really helped Danielle, she’s a strong Godly woman and an inspiration to me, that I hope I’ll have many more years with Dan, that I might take him for granted, but in a minute he could be gone! We’re both healthy and so are the kids, I pray and hope we have many more happy and healthy years together!

Oh I gotta tell this story too about when I used to waitress at a Danish restaurant in South Florida, it was around the time when I got married, so either right before or right after, we’ve have lots of “old” customers in the restaurant, we called them snowbirds- they come down for the winter from up north. The restaurant often did promotions for birthdays or anniversaries, so whenever someone had an anniversary I’d often ask them how many years and what’s the secret etc… one day it was an old couple, they were at least in their mid 60s, I asked them how many years they had been married and the husband said 7 WONDERFUL years! okay… I’m thinking that’s kind of late to get re-married, but then again maybe a widow? and who am I to judge!? Then the wife interrupted and said NO it’s been 37 years! he replied: that’s what I said 7 WONDERFUL years! uhhhh…. I just laughed and walked away to get their drinks. Obviously humor kept them together!

LOVE YOU BABE! here’s to at least 20 more years!

10 thoughts on “It’s my 20 year Wedding Anniversary!”

  1. Congrats on 20 years and here is hoping you have 20 more and then some.

  2. What a beautiful and uplifting post. Congrats on 20 years. Wishing you so many more together.

  3. Congratulations! That's just a good beginning. =) I had 42 years with my best friend, and this December would have been 50, but he went on ahead of me. I'll catch up one of these days. When I'm OLD. LOL Humor definitely helps a couple stay together. =)

  4. FlashinScissors

    Congratulations Bea!It was lovely to see the picture of your family and to read your story!Happy Anniversary, and wishing you many more years together!Barbara xx

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