It’s my 19th Anniversary

Phew! Christmas is over and today it’s Dan and mine’s 19th Wedding Anniversary!


We got married in Denmark in “Kloster kirken” Horsens (The church where Vitus Bering was baptized and I think married and maybe also buried- he discovered the Bering Straight between Russia and Alaska!)

My mom walked me up the aisle and the guests at both church at the reception were mostly my mom’s AA friends, plus a few of my childhood friends I still had contact with.

It’s funny to look back on that day, things could have gone SO different, the wedding might have been cancelled (because I slept in the day after we arrived in Denmark, as I was supposed to go to the court house to get our marriage certificate and then meet with the pastor, so the pastor called me and yelled at me to get going or we wouldn’t get married!)

Also about a month before, the restaurant that was hosting the reception called my mom that they got new owners and were now renovating over Christmas break, so couldn’t have my wedding reception there! – no help finding a new place!- my mom found a Mongolian BBQ place in stead- so wonder if people thought Dan was part Mongolian?)

The wedding could have been stopped by my real dad, who was not invited but someone found out about it and showed up at the church, we saw him as my mom and I walked up the aisle!

Oh and there’s more…..

Well it’s good to be flexible!!

Ha ha

Dan and I usually don’t get each other presents for Christmas but he DID say he got me something “small” this year, this is what I got.

I really meant a lot to me since I became a US citizen!


I even cleared a shelf for my “American stuff” now.


Dan has been working hard at home lately, he took some vacation time these days and also over a few weekends, he’s replaced “thrones” in two bathrooms, repainted both master bath and kids bathroom which also included new lights and towel hangers and drawer pulls.

Plus, I’ve been “sort of begging/hinting” at wanting some new skinny shelves above my sewing table, so he made these and stained them in a white wash.


and I filled them with all my pincushions!

(some of the BIG ones didn’t fit, so I might “need” a 3rd shelf)


Dan is a great DAD and husband, helping the kids with technical/ assembly stuff.


Oh and BTW the kids finished their Lego advent calendar, which I always do for them each December!


I love you BABE!

(Anja sometimes calls him that if she’s calling for daddy, she’ll call “daddy or babe” ha ha)

9 thoughts on “It’s my 19th Anniversary”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    Happy 19th Anniversary to you and Dan. I think you guys are a wonderful couple and have a lovely family. Truly blessed. Fun to hear about your Wedding Day. I'm so happy you found each other.

  2. ChristaQuilts

    Congrats on your anniversary and receiving such a special gift 🙂

  3. LynnEl Springer

    Wow! What a crazy day you had 19 years ago! So glad it all turned out and it's so nice to see you so happy! You have a beautiful family! I'm glad to be your friend!!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Glad it all worked out in the end. A late Merry Christmas too!

  5. Quilter Kathy

    Oh dear… your wedding sounds very stressful! So happy that everything worked out and I'm wishing you a very happy anniversary with no stress…. only happiness!

  6. Pamela Arbour

    I enjoyed reading your post. Congratulations on your anniversary and your citizenship. What an interesting wedding you had. They are supposed to be memorable, right? I love all the things Dan does for you. You seem to complete each other. I am happy for you and your family.

  7. Happy Anniversary and many more. We celebrated our 55th anniversary this past August. I pray that the Lord blesses you with a strong marriage as we have now. I'm curious — how did you and your husband meet. Nancy A:

  8. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Happy Anniversary! Glad you made it to the alter that day.

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