It’s Fabric Voting time!

I was so excited when Connecting Threads announced they would do another fabric contest.

I LOVED the winner last time (2yrs ago)

-the fabric I’m using for the Women of the bible blocks-


Click here to see all the submissions!

I’m in there too, it’s called wiggles and waggles on page 3 or 4 I think.

With matching geometrics.


I was really hesitant about submitting it…. well take a look.

You just have to register your email ONCE to vote and you can vote on as many as you like.

I voted for MANY cool ones, I’m amazed at all the talent!!

mine is NOT worthy to be up there amongst all the others…

9 thoughts on “It’s Fabric Voting time!”

  1. Crickets Corner

    I voted. Hope you get lots of votes. I'd never have the courage to even try designing fabric and I think yours are cute.

  2. I voted for all the fabrics I thought I might actually use, given the chance. I think your little wiggles and waggles would make cute baby quilts.

  3. Bea, your designs are absolutely worthy–they're darling! I am so impressed at the level of talent shown in this–lots of great artists/designers out there! Good luck!

  4. These are adorable and I voted! yay! I think these fabrics would be adorable baby quilts and clothes!xo jan

  5. Har stemt på deg. Jeg liker spesielt det stripete stoffet. Alltid vanskelig å få tak i stripestoff. Fint å bruke til lukkekanter. Lykke til!

  6. I know one thing, if a person doesnt' put themselves out there, there is no chance of winning or being recognized. Your fabric is nice. Did you use EQ to design it, or another program?

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