I’m not a proverbs 31 woman

This week’s Women of the bible BOW was Proverbs 31 woman

Yeah right…. I’m not like her…

But I CAN relate to this

Pro 31:22
”She makes coverings for her bed”

If you are a quilter- you can too!! Smile

and it was only the last mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter where I used the quilt for OUR bed…. oh we got a nice bed frame this week too, a BARGAIN from craigslist!! woohoo

I picked some bright and cheery colors for this block and used the main laundry fabric in the middle – after all that’s part of our “jobs” too right??

I guess you can think of the bird fabric as chicken/ cooking too! didn’t think about that until now….

You know I love blues…… And if the color yellow is from sun-up to the blue sun-down then there you go…. you’ll have green in the middle, green money?? or am I reading into it too much? I really just picked the fabrics because they were NEXT in my pile and I liked the combinations Smile

shh!! don’t tell!!

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Last week I saw these CUTE tissue holders on a blog (sorry forgot which one now- she sent me a link back to where to buy the pattern, my mom and her husband LOVE hawaiian shirts AND they love cats and Native Indian/western stuff, so I made these for them and will send out soon)

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I finished quilting the scrappy trip around the world quilt AND I’m attaching a binding that’s scrappy too, plus the backing is sort of scrappy.

I thought thought the quilt’s name should be “scrappy to the power of 6”

-6 strips in each block sub-cut into 6 sections-

what do you think?

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While Quilting Sonja was looking out the window

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I’ve also made her a little area under the table (moved the playpen as it’s more of a toy box now)

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Here’s the top all done

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Here’s Ahhhh #30

(I just finished #32 last night and now I’m all caught up!!- well I have duplicates of many of them- just waiting for more in the mail)

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and pure bliss, sleeping baby in my arms Smile

Sonja is 10 months today!!

How old do you think I AM btw?? I won’t get offended- I’ve had LOTS of guesses….If you know ME and have followed my blog for a while I might have given the answer at my last birthday, but you’ll have to search for that!

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Our Squash in the garden is growing like crazy too!! we had a few days of rain and these things grew a lot! last night we had a FLUKE 15 min heavy rain and thunderstorm some of the plants don’t look too good now, so I’ll make dinner tonight with squash for sure!

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Took some pics of our butterfly bush too (while holding Sonja in one hand and the camera in the other, now THAT’s SKILZ!! don’t you think??)

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6 thoughts on “I’m not a proverbs 31 woman”

  1. Maybe everything in the Bibile block can't have meaning. : )Cute little tissue holders.Love the scrappy trips.I do not attempt to guess ages. But I'll tell you, my oldest daughter, in her 30s, has been mistaken for a teenager on more than one occasion.

  2. Those are cute little tissue holders. Lov eyour scrappy trip along quilt…Very pretty.

  3. I really like the quilting on the scrappy trip. That's how I planned to do mine when I get to it : )

  4. Your daughter is so adorable! Can't wait to meet you both in person. Maybe I will bring a quilt for you to quilt for me while I'm there!!! Your work is so beautiful!

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