I’m in Denmark day #1

Sonja and I are in Denmark and had a great trip over here, though a bit jetlagged for about a day or so.
We flew from RDU to Paris and then to Billund Denmark, which is in the middle of DK pretty much- I think it’s the second largest airport after Copenhagen.
It was the first time flying for Sonja!

 of course the meal on the plane has a lot to be desired….

 this was our breakfast since it was an 8hr flight we got two meals

 it’s hard to sleep on a plane!

 Then we landed in Paris and it was 7.30am local time which was 1.30 am East coast time, I was exhausted!

 we waited 4hrs or so in Paris, Sonja was able to curl up and sleep a bit, I think I was able to lean over our suitcase (carry on) and take a cat nap, but when you travel alone like this I was paranoid of not waking up and something happening to Sonja, so it was rough….

 On the next plane we got a window seat, it was a small plane with just one aisle and two seats on each side.

my hummus,carrot wrap was actually pretty good!

 Here we were about to land so that’s Danish fields in the background.

 My cousin Soren picked us up at the airport and drove us around a bit to see the house I grew up in, it was a yellow brick house when I lived there and just a covered parking pad, now it’s white and has a garage and there’s a new window bump out on the roof, I think that was a bathroom.
I also saw my grandmother’s old houses (she died maybe 20yrs ago I think)

It was funny, after a while of driving around I asked Sonja about what she thought of Denmark so far and she said the cars are tiny. Soren just laughed as he’s a car dealer and they drive a nice car, but it was still small compared to US standards! lol

here’s my old school

In Denmark you usually go to the same school all 10years, from kindergarten to 9th or 10th grade- the 10th grade is not required.

I attended this school until 6th grade and then I switched to a private school because I got bullied, but anyways it was fun to see. The school had expanded and it had another name now too.

 at dinner time they cooked us burgers and we sat outside, the weather was super nice, maybe mid 80s, I can’t remember now, but in Denmark they don’t have A/C nor ceiling fans so if it gets hotter, it’s really hot!
Here’s their son Marcus, then Soren, then his wife Christina and their daughter Tilde was not there, and then Sonja 🙂

They had a beutiful white fluffy cat that Sonja just fell in love with, it was out in a run in the back yard and Sonja thought it was just fascinating to watch it.

 The cat’s name is Alvin (from Alvin and the chipmunks)

Soren’s kids attend a school that was not even a block away tucked away in the neighborhood, we went there after dinner and Sonja got to play a bit on the playground.

For breakfast it was “rundstykker” which are translated as “round pieces” it’s a more fluffy white bread buns with a nice thin crust!

And yeah, that’s chocolate on one slice!

Do you notice the white walls in the background, every Danish house has all white walls in every room, then they decorate with paintings/pictures or the furniture with a pop of color!

2 thoughts on “I’m in Denmark day #1”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    I'm glad you and Sonja have arrived in Denmark and all is well. It looks like your visit is already loads of fun for all and I hope you both have more fun visiting family & friends, as well as Sonja to see beautiful Denmark. Thanks for sharing photos and insights. You've inspired me to add Denmark to my bucket list.

  2. Pamela Arbour

    I am so glad you are sharing your visit with us. I enjoyed reading and seeing the pics. I hope you two have a nice time.

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