I was SO nervous!–and giveaway

Did any of you watch the webinar that I taught last night?


I was SO nervous!

and at the beginning my slide show was going too slow but later it fixed itself and worked fine.

I feel bad that I only talked for 30 min, I was supposed to talk for 40-45 and then 15 for questions, but it ended up being more like 20 min of questions so we finished at 7.50pm

If any of you attended/watched it, I’d like some feedback.

Let me know how you liked it

what was your favorite part

your least favorite/what I can improve on?

Comment below in ONE comment and let me know and I’ll do a giveaway of this lovely pack of Tonga batiks from Timeless Treasures

2014-07-30 020

US only please.

and make sure there’s a way to contact you back?

I’ll pick a winner August 6th Smile

12 thoughts on “I was SO nervous!–and giveaway”

  1. Hi Bea,I didn't see the Webinar (a little expensive for me) but I'm sure you did just fine. The important thing is that you did something different. You got out of your comfort zone and achieved a goal! That's what counts. I'm sure those that saw the webinar understood and to be honest, probably never noticed that you were nervous. We tend to think that people notice things when in actuality they don't! LOL I'm proud of you for doing that and I know you'll have more opportunities to share your talents with us! Great job!Happy sewing!Dawn array-dawn at cox dot net

  2. Crickets Corner

    Congratulations on another milestone. I didn't get a chance to see it but I'm sure you did great. Isn't it amazing how hard we are on ourselves when in reality most people probably didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. I'm sure the people who were lucky enough to see it appreciated everything you had to say and your answers to their questions.

  3. I agree with the other 2 comments, that I'm sure you were fine. I wasn't able to attend either, but it sounds like you did fine since you had 20 minutes of interaction with those who attended.

  4. Unfortunately, I didn't see your webinar either but I give you kudos for teaching…it is always good to learn a new technique or thought process behind a technique that you already use. So much to learn, so little time!

  5. I didn't see the webinar but I know from experience how hard it is to teach as I've taught parenting classes for several years. The next one will be easier. I promise. But you still may get butterflies. I've read that even some accomplished actors and actresses get butterflies. kthurn@bektel.com

  6. Sowing Stitches

    Hmmmm, I didn't see the webinar either…but then I never get to view webinars…Our connection is too slow and honestly, I prefer step by step written instructions with photos and diagrams over webinars as these allow me to proceed at my own pace.The beautiful batiks…these would be used to create to accessories for my NEW Career! New job is on the horizon!!! 🙂

  7. I did not see your webinar. I have out-of-state guests visiting this week. Plus I hate to say this, but I don't know anything on how to view one. Is it recorded, or does one have to log in at a set date and time?

  8. I didn't have the chance to see your webinar. But now that you have that under your belt, you're a pro!

  9. Connie Kresin Campbell

    I didn't see your webinar Bea but I am sure you did a wonderful job and what a great experience for you!!

  10. I did purchase your webinar. However I forgot to tune in so had to wait for the email that was sent out. I learned alot, Thanks so much.like you said, there were some issues, but you made it thru OK.My problem now is I can't find the email that allowed me to continue watching and I need to see it again for a refresher lesson. I'm working on it today!

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