I just couldn’t stop with the orange

I can’t stop finding things to make in orange.

As promised/challenged by turid here’s an orange purse pincushion!


I didn’t have any orange felt so I used yellow instead.


Then yesterday I was asked a question on amazon- since I reviewed it- about the owl accuquilt die, then I just GOT in the mood to make owl blocks for the RSC16 as well.

First I traved out a branch and ironed onto a woodsy brown fabric


Then found pieces for an orange owl


even double folded with heat n bond, everything on top of each other it fit thru the machine once!


and on dark grey he/she looks adorable!


then outlined in black thread! just love it


another applique die I have is the sunbonnet sue die AND CD set, so I looked up the secondary color for the RSC16 and found some fun orange fabrics and the embroidery files….


I also went back and did a purple one!


ALSO I’ve been looking for a jelly roll pattern that’s easy and doesn’t need extra yardage…


wait and see Smile


11 thoughts on “I just couldn’t stop with the orange”

  1. Just love all your orange things and blocks. That owl is trying to fly to Norway, I think, ha-ha. Just fantastic!

  2. Pamela Arbour

    You must be so very organized to get so much done every week and take care of your growing family! I love the oranges and all the fun things you have made with them.

  3. all things orange get my tick, Sue looks good in purple too and the batik jelly roll looks interesting, wonder what you are doing with it usually patterns tell you to add extra fabrics will be waiting to see what your create

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