I have to do some bragging!

remember the 2017 QUBE QAL??

In the facebook group, people are finishing up their blocks and turning them into quilt tops and I’ love seeing them all!

This one just HAD to be shown here!

Donna finished this top and made her own border!

It’s just amazing!

48donna finished

This was block #48


and then she showed all the blocks done but not sewn together.


Michelle also finished her top and added a simple border, love those funky colors in the blocks!


This was her #48 block


recently Michelle also made this version of a table runner I designed that was in a quilt magazine recently

michelle runner

Here’s Lori’s #48 block


and all of the blocks together- or at least most of them?


Some people started late and are still playing catch up,

Here Lynne said she cut out all the pieces for the 48 blocks but she only works on 4 at a time, so as to not mix it up I think Smile


Here’s Patty’s 46-48 blocks


and Renie’s last 4 blocks too – this is her 2nd quilt btw, she made a quilt out of the first 24 blocks!


and Shayne’s cherry block, can’t wait to see this one done!


and Hannah’s block is great too with the elephants!


It’s SEW much fun to see the different versions! and there’s also so much excitement for the 2018 QAL! blocks are being shown every day!

It’s never too late to join Smile

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