I had a great craft show Saturday

The Pittsboro Street fair was a success this Saturday!

Solveig helped me set up at 7am! 

At first we got there and there was a car in the spot I was supposed to be at, well half my spot…. the lady from the town told me to scoot over and still set up, you can see the purple spot on the asphalt, that was supposed to be my corner…. there’s a bar nearby and broken glass there too…

I worried about my “neighbors” once they got there, what was the plan?

but soon enough a tow truck came and took this one away (plus a few others) that’s an expensive night out fella!

After that we moved the tent over in the right spot and not 5 minutes later did the “neighbors” show up, so it worked out perfectly!

I had made some owls with hang tags meant for kids to hang on their bags, I tried to use scraps of whatever I had on hand

 I sold a few 🙂

A while ago I was working on a secret project for Accuquilt and used “Shannon fabrics” which was a really soft fur and they also sent a sample hanger thingy with some REALLY soft fabrics, not flannel much softer, and I didn’t know what to do with them, then when I started these owls, I found out that several of the samples were just big enough to make one owl out of!

 there was also a white fabric, it made me think of nice dish towels, I also had some grey fussy fur type fabric lying around and then another grey cotton here.

 plus several in batik scraps from Island Batik!

Of course my biggest hits at this show are the eyeglass holders! I made around 100 total I think!

 and sold several!

I used some batik scraps on several of these too!

As a very last minute thing last week, I quickly made some coiled baskets, I didn’t sell any and mid day I was able to walk around and two other vendors made baskets too (though mine were the cheapest I think) anyways, no big deal.

The weather was perfect, it was actually warm!

Now I think there were less people there vs last year, though I was in a different spot too, but I think it was due to protests going on downtown- which was a block away from us, but it didn’t look like anything happened, but it DID the weekend before! just google “confederate statue protest in pittsboro nc” and you’ll see both sides! the firs weekend or two it was locals protesting, lately it’s been outsiders! 

5 thoughts on “I had a great craft show Saturday”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    I think your booth looked very inviting and all your handmade items are so adorable. Sorry about the protestors. I suspect they were why fewer people came to the craft fair.

  2. Great booth and projects! It's a shame we can't feel safe to venture out in crowds anymore.

  3. barbara woods

    oursiders need to stay out of our business. That's the problem in a lot of places

  4. Happy for you that the show went well! Glad the protestors didn't get too close. Interesting about the outsiders as I have been saying for years that I don't know where people find the time to protest so someone must be paying them. We just found out recently there is a company that hires people to protest and pays them 25.00 an hour.

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