I guess a weekly update

I mentioned a bit about this last weekend and it’s been pretty much confirmed.

My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer!

To say we’re devastated is an under statement!

Dan has started keto diet, lots of greens and vegetables and so far only salmon and juicing, plus he’s taking ivermectin and fenbentosol.

It’s just something we’ve research with help from friends.

So far this is what has happened so far: Wednesday (10 days ago) he went to the doctor for a sort of checkup and because he’s been having urinary problems and honestly OTHER problems too, but last year sucked for us, losing his job in April, then taking care of his parents until they passed away in the fall, we dismissed it as stress AND we’re all very healthy and don’t go to the doctor for minor stuff and honestly don’t trust many doctors or the medical system. (Our family has gotten kicked out of one practice years ago because of my childhood vaccine stance, and I left one practice when I got called a conspiracy theorist) The doctor Wednesday was a younger guy and super nice (I might have our whole family go to him now, if they’ll take us) he did an exam and found Dan DID have a large prostate and then he ordered a PSA blood test, didn’t think it was anything major (A month ago I took Dan to Urgent Care and they did a urine test and it was negative for a UTI) The doctor also prescribed two medicines, one to help the blood flow to help him pee better.

Dan hadn’t even filled the prescription yet and the doctor called a few hours later saying that his PSA was super high, normal is 0-4, high is up to 10, Dan’s was 250! -thanks to google, it probably means cancer! So the doctor ordered a CT scan.

Dan got the CT scan done last Friday and the results came back on “my chart” all medical talk but it showed cancer in the lymph nodes- thanks to google, it probably means stage 4 or maybe high 3 or whatever it’s called, if it moved outside the prostate it means 4 but some places don’t count the lymph nodes right there as “outside” or metastasized….

Monday this week we saw a urologist and he kept saying advanced cancer and eventually I had to ask him if it meant 4 or 3! he said stage 4! He said Dan needs a biopsy too and that was scheduled for next week and the results the week after that, plus the original doctor had scheduled a prostate MRI for the end of February, but the urologist said that might not be needed anymore.

The urologist said that Oncologist would most likely want Dan to take a medicine that will medically castrate him because the cancer feeds on testosterone, he’s not on board with that so far, he’d rather die a man than be completely neutered and be different, I get that and support whatever he wants.

Thursday morning the urologist called that they had an opening for that afternoon at UNC for the biopsy instead of next week, so we took it!

I’m not going to tell the details, but Dan could hardly walk out of the hospital and was in terrible pain all night and sitting on a heating pad, taking tylenol…..we had read he might be in pain for a few days, and on the way to the hospital I told him he’d be alright, after all I had 3 C-sections! But I feel bad for him now, he was able to stand and make his own food when we got back and then again make a salad for himself for dinner.

Urologist wants to schedule a PSMA PET scan (a full body scan) and also a bone scan plus we haven’t even seen the oncologist yet, but I guess that happens after the biopsy results are back!?

Dan wants to continue his diet and regiment for a while and test his PSA again, and I agree with that, if it’s 2 or 3 months it may be okay to delay treatment for that long, but we both know that doctor’s will probably scare the snot out of us and we ARE scared!!

I know God’s got this and HE can cure Dan, but there’s also the ULTIMATE cure….. Stage 4 prostate cancer has no cure and 30% make it 5 years, I think I read the average is 2-3 years! I don’t want to be a widow so soon!! But God’s timing is perfect and that’s what scares me too because we started going to a local church in December and we instantly loved it, friended so many people especially one family and their oldest is now dating Solveig! I know financially I’ll be ok, bills are being paid now even since Dan never found another job after being laid off in April last year. I have my kids here with me and local support, so to me that’s a bit scary because everything is falling into place!

We’ve told Solveig and Micah that seeing them together is the sweetest thing and a bright light in our lives right now, they are so stinking cute together!!

I always thought Dan and I would grow old together (like his parents), we’d see our 4 kids grow up and get married (hint, hint) and have children on their own! Now that may not happen, unless Dan is able to at least walk ONE down the aisle…..

We’ll see what else the doctors say next week, this has completely turned our lives upside down!

Pray for peace for us and for the right decisions to be made about Dan’s treatments!

8 thoughts on “I guess a weekly update”

  1. Oh my you and Dan are in my thoughts and prayers, C is such a scary word. I wish you both all the best in this horrible situation.

  2. I’m glad the medical system is working to get Dan through quickly for tests and more. Sooner than later they know for certain, they can better provide you with a list of options. And, there will be options. I know you are not big on science, but please do ask about the new MRNA for prostate cancer. I’m not certain it has been officially released, but research shows great success. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  3. Kathleen McCormick

    Prayers for Dan and you and your family. Such a hard diagnosis but he is young and strong. Here’s hoping something works for him!

  4. So sorry to hear this. You will be in our thoughts and prayers and we hope that his healing is complete.

  5. Oh Bea, my heart aches for you and Dan and your family. I pray for God’s peace for you, take one day at a time.

  6. I will keep praying. I was always “that mom” at the pediatrician due to my stance on vaccines as well. I’ve heard good things about the ivermectin/fentbentasol protocol.

    “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are always in my presence.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭49‬:‭16

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