I got some ribbons at the County Fair

This year I decided again to join the county fair, last year I didn’t do it because I got upset over them loosing a ribbon for a chair my husband had made and submitted.

I submitted 6 things (only 1 quilt category)

So 1 quilt

1 quilt with embroidery (embroidery category)

my shirt I made a few weeks ago

Sonja’s blue dress

fabric wrapped basket (basket category)

and the pin cushion owl I also made recently (stuffed animal category)

Friday I went to the fair with a friend- she had never been and I was happily surprised I got 6 ribbons!!

5 were 1st place and 1 was 2nd place


See my fabric basket is on the left this other one won 1st place, it was GORGEOUS! (wish I took closer pics of it so I could figure out how she did the stripes)


and my 2 quilts with ribbons too Smile

When I picked up the pieces yesterday I got $18.25. WOOHOO!

(I’m sure you can see from the pictures that the fair is TINY…. so well I’ll leave you at that on how “hard” it would be to get a ribbon) shhh!

I might try the state fair, now THAT one is tough. we’ll see


On to the rides, I paid $15 for a bracelet for the kids to ride unlimited on most of the rides, they pretty much stuck to 4 rides and tried them over and over for 3 hrs

The bucket chairs


spinny circle thingy rides


This spinning space shuttle thing is FUN! I tried it 2 yrs ago (got a freebie ride for tagging along my son) there’s one shuttle at each end and it spins around and the shuttle turns so you’re not upside down.

This time the kids were on it, the operator stopped the ride just when the tip of theirs was down and hanging half way up and he yelled up that he had to go somewhere for 10 min and he’d be right back. The kids’ replies were “SERIOUSLY??” the laughed and pushed the button to continue.

another ride was a carpet slide ride (no picture)


I was able to go on the carousel with Sonja for free because of my other kids having the bracelets on, so I stuck with the NON moving part and still Sonja freaked out a little.


This was the whole fair! it’s small but in a way I like it that way, so I don’t have to watch my kids every second and worry about them.


what’s a fair without funnel cake?? YUM!


Oh, the fair had a camel ride too next to the petting zoo, we didn’t ride it, but did get to pet it, Sonja thought it was hilarious, then suddenly the camel had sucked her arm up in her mouth, Sonja just laughed, but I quickly yanked her arm back out all slobbered on…. ewww.


A fun afternoon at the fair!

Thanks Laura for joining me Smile

13 thoughts on “I got some ribbons at the County Fair”

  1. Teresa in Music City

    Congratulations on your ribbons! It really doesn't matter how large the competition is, it matters that YOU get the ribbons LOL!!! And I absolutely agree – what's a fair without funnel cake????

  2. Congrats on your ribbons. I think that looks like a very cute little fair!Oh, yuck, camels are so slobbery.You know, I've never had a funnel cake. I'll have to try one sometime. : )

  3. Congrats on your ribbons! You should definitely enter the state fair! Good luck!!

  4. Congratulations on your ribbons! I'm glad Sonja just laughed about the camel and wasn't scared of it. You'll probably be telling that story and laughing when she gets older. Glad you all had a good time!

  5. Wonderfully small fair. I'm glad you had a good time. You do lovely work, so Im not surprised you got ribbon. Congratulations. Hope your husband will try again.

  6. Whoo hoo! A ribbon is a ribbon. Congrats to you. And I've totally missed out on funnel cake this year. It isn't around here but I do have the kit and desperately need to make some at home.

  7. Congratulations. I'm very proud of you. And, what fun at the fair. I've never had a chance to ride a camel. Way cool. But I think it needs a quilt!SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

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