I forgot to show this quilt I long arm quilted for a customer recently

I forgot to show this quilt I long arm quilted for a customer recently, where I did some ruler work!! (it’s been a while)

the lady who did this has brought me quilts before and her and her husband are a sweet couple and we usually chat for a while too!

She made this baptist fan quilt and wanted me to custom quilt it and sort of mentioned lines on it…. I had it sitting for a while and finally decided I had a few days to work on this so I put it on the frame and quilted it.

baptist fan quilt long arm quilting 1

She had some rickrack on the edges of the fans so I had to be careful not to have them fold when I quilted them, so I decided to do the straight lines on the fan blades, a simple feather on the “handle” of the fans and basic meandering on the background.

baptist fan quilt long arm quilting2

On the white inner border I did a skinny ribbon design, then pebbles on the green border and a more loopy ribbon on the outer border

baptist fan quilt3

I did have a few problems but you can’t tell now!! and she was happy with it 🙂

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