Hunter Star rainbow top

I’ve been digging thru my bins of UFOs again and I got out my rainbow hunter star blocks and realized I was missing two blocks so I made a beige one


and a black one


Then I put them on the design wall and decided to keep them in color order


and added a turquoise border (see how the turquoise block is in the middle!??- I strategically planned that


I also wanted to show my mermaid hexies that I brought with us on our little vacation, I’m almost done added the outer white hexies, then I just need to fill in the gaps and trim and add a border.


Here’s Anja in her Easter dress BTW, I had to stay home with Sonja Easter Sunday as she had a fever and sore throat, so Anja stayed home too.


2 thoughts on “Hunter Star rainbow top”

  1. Cutey pie! I mean Anja 🙂 Love your hexie quilt. What size hexies are you using? The Hunter Star is a beauty as well!

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