Hummingbirds, Geese and Winners

Here’s the Geese in a Ring top I finished yesterday

I really LIKE it!!

I mean to have the outer border be a solid but the top measures 44″ so it wasn’t quite enough for a WOF strip so I added a corner stone

Here’s the layout in EQ7

I like to add a skinny border to show what the binding will look like- it will be the same blue as the corner stones and inner blue border- a blue heart fabric!

Here’s the next bible BOW – Bathsheba

I’ve read about her before… Again Lust and Sin is involved.

The block is called whirlpool. Bathsheba was taking a bath when the King saw her and lusted after her and she later became his wife- didn’t he get her husband killed? I think so- honestly I didn’t re-read it this week.

so I thought the blue is great for water and the white swirl also has yellow dots in swirls, well it made me think of a man’s “hmm” – I’ll just let you think about that πŸ™‚

Here’s all the blocks together on the design wall. I LIKE it πŸ™‚

 I had to snap this picture really quick, don’t worry I got her away from the cord really quickly.

She likes to move around on the floor instead of the play pen so I let her do that now but it’s hard to not have her get into everything. she’s not crawling, but flipping and somehow scooting around.

Soon enough she’ll move MUCH more πŸ™‚

BTW look WHO was in the EQ news today

I wrote yesterday how I was almost done with the Benartex quilt, using this hummingbird block from EQ- I believe I used this for their EQ challenge one month- the theme was BIRDS

Here’s the quilting, just curves on the blocks and a leaf vine on the outer border

super scrappy backing, I have maybe a 8×10 piece left of ONE piece of fabric out of 1/2yd of each of the fabrics

And remember this label! it’s on the back.

Now MARY suggested that I add interfacing to the back when I do this method of sewing it all the way around and cutting a slit and turning it inside out, this way I can iron it down too before sewing it on. Genius!!

Here’s the layout in EQ with quilting design

And the block πŸ™‚

And quilting design. I did a tutorial about this here

Okay ON to the winner of the Quilt it Today magazine and scraps πŸ™‚

I got 51 comments

 Mr.Random picked #45

 Tiffany won!

Send me your mailing address and I will get this in the mail soon.

I also have to show you my latest “addiction”

well it’s not NEW I guess, I always love playing computer games

And I love BIG FISH games

a few weeks ago I got monopoly, I play this now when I’m holding Sonja or she’s eating πŸ™‚

I can easily play with ONE hand…..

 Do you play games too? what games do you like?

A few funnies from facebook etc.

I actually don’t mind adding the binding πŸ™‚

I LOVE pickles πŸ™‚

No comment here, but something happened online a few days ago.

And it has also been a reason why I had quit FB in 2012, but slowly got back into it because of my PAGE…. but I don’t post much except my blog links πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Hummingbirds, Geese and Winners”

  1. The circling geese turned out beautiful. Looks like geese in snowstorm to me. : )The Bible blocks are pretty–it is fun to see them all together and I love the splashes of orange!Oh, mama, I want to tug on this cord and see what happens. : )

  2. The geese quilt is great. Love the colors. I love the Bible block…especially since I did a bunch of those last summer and almost made another quilt with them recently. Congrats again on the EQ spotlight. I don't play anything on my phone yet except Sky Burger. It is free and so addictive.

  3. Wow!! That geese quilt is awesome! Love the colors and arrangement.Bathsheba is beautiful. Yes, King David did get her husband killed so he could marry her. Shame on him!! I ignore fighting on facebook. I don't ever comment on anything controversial, and just move on. There's no room in my life for such petty behavior. πŸ™‚

  4. I see someone is fascinated by those cords! Why do they always find those things more exciting than their cute toys?The blues geese looks awesome as do the bible blocks.Way to go on the EQ!!

  5. I love your geese.I too am a games player. I am often to be found with one eye on my Nexus and the other on the TV in the evenings, specially when my husband is watching something and I'm not really enjoying it.

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