Hubby’s birthday

Today is my husband’s birthday! I’m not going to say how old he is, but just mention that 2 years ago when he turned 50 it hit me harder, that I was married to a 50 YEAR OLD man!! LOL

We’ve been busy and stressed around here, 2 birthdays, now Thanksgiving next week and then Christmas coming up, but also his job! He might lose it mid January because of the Vax mandate, though he’s filed for a religious exemption and spoken to HR, but we’re not sure if they’ll honor that, it’s all very odd and sad that he can’t have a choice over his own body and might lose his job over that! – and he’s working from home and could probably continue that! Well at first they said Dec 8th now it’s mid January, so we’ll see. We know the Lord provides and we’ll be ok, but it’s still stressful!

4 thoughts on “Hubby’s birthday”

  1. It seems like we don’t have control over anything any more. Pray things works out for you.

  2. Happy Birthday to your Hubster. I don’t remember the government agency, but I thought I heard news this week that stopped companies from mandating vaccines. That may be why his company pushed things out to January (legal evaluating the very recent government decision). While I support the science, I also support your right for making personal decisions and hope it all works out for you guys.

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