Hot pads and color of the year 2013, easy street and customer quilt

I finally finished step 1 of Easy street

I also finished a customer’s quilt, she’s coming soon to pick it up, I like this design!! very cool

Michelle just told me the name of the pattern GOOD FORTUNE by Moda Thanks!

I quilted a pointy swirl all over it

it had a fun back too!

so I’ve been getting ready for the craft show next weekend, I made these nursing pads, but they are not pretty so I might just keep them

I did finish these sets of hot pads (2 each) how much could I sell these for??

AND the other day I started thinking about what the color of the year 2013 would be, after a little search I found this:


“Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.”

A color I actually like 🙂

I didn’t like the tangerine for 2012, but I did like the combos in fabrics. this emerald might look good with it too…

wonder what cool combo’s people will come up with that goes with emerald?

and if you’re born in May, it’s your birth stone.

6 thoughts on “Hot pads and color of the year 2013, easy street and customer quilt”

  1. Oh yay! My birthstone!!!! I did like orange as the color of the year though. =) Love your pot holders.

  2. Emerald is gorgeous to look at. It will be fun to see how it emerges through the year.Nice projects. Love the quilt!

  3. Good Morning America was talking about the color of the year this morning but I had to leave before finding out what color it is. Emerald is a good one!

  4. I love the colors in your customer's quilt and of course your quilting is amazing! I too missed the color this morning on GMA. I'm glad it's emerald though. I was afraid it was going to be something wacky. Ha!

  5. Hubs is a May baby but Emerald definitely isn't his color. That quilt is really nice. I have the pattern for that one.

  6. I love your color of the year. I was thinking 10-12 dollars per pair for the pot holders. They're cute!

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