HO HO HO Blog Hop and giveaway



Are you having fun with this HOP??

Thanks to our lovely hostesses Mdm Samm and Carol again for organizing it.

If you follow my blog you would have seen this quilt in the making but not the final pics Smile 

I started it and then realized I would use it for this hop

My Christmas One Block Wonder quilt made from Yenter fabrics!

all quilted and bound

july 406

On the hexagons I quilted a curve from corner to corner of each triangle (I guess like an orange peel) it’s actually pretty fast on the long arm.

july 407

On the white background and 2nd border I did bubbles/pebbles

then holly leaves on the green borders, the inner border had them straight in a row and the outer border was more like a vine or a branch with a little curvy thing in between too.

And a Christmas tree multi colored fabric for the binding

july 408

I made this label using EQ Stitch and added my name in the middle of a wreath

july 409

I don’t think I’ve ever made a PRECISE four patch as backing, it was a bit tricky but it looks great!

Though I don’t recommend it on a BIG quilt as the bulk on the frame got to be a lot in the middle

july 410

july 411

And I almost forgot about this one, If it wasn’t for moosestash quilting

I created this PDF pattern which I will have for sale really soon!

june 272

a fun and easy table runner which I already sent to my mom

june 273june 274june 275

Now for a give away!!

CT Logo_web

Connecting threads if sponsoring this giveaway!

Keeping with the Christmas spirit, they are giving away 2 strip sets of “Holiday Elegance” sampler, each sampler strip set is 16 so a total of 32!

Click here for more info

Open to the US and Canada!!


All you have to do is comment here and tell about a funny thing that happened one time at Christmas!

2nd chance if you already follow my blog, comment if you do.

I’ll pick a winner next Monday.

My “fun” story is when I was little, I was an only child btw, we’d go to my grandmother’s house for Christmas dinner in Denmark, I was maybe 4 this year, my aunts and cousins were there too. After dinner, my aunts boyfriend left to go do something in the garage, and a few minutes later SANTA came!! I showed him my pretty dress, I got presents and even sat in his lap!! when it was all done Santa left and a few minutes later the guy came back and I was SO upset that he missed seeing SANTA! if he had just come back a few minutes earlier he would have seen him!! I remember how upsetting it was to me…..LOL

Also check out other blogger in this hop today!

Have fun!!


August 5

Cherry’s Prairie Primitives

Scraps of Life

Words & Stitches

Blue Heron Quilts

More Stars in Comanche

Handmade by Mama

Julie from Quilted Works (on my blog)

In Stitches and Seams

Scrapbook ChickADoodle

Jane’s Quilting

Beaquilter  (me)


149 thoughts on “HO HO HO Blog Hop and giveaway”

  1. apple blossom

    love the hexiesthanks for the giveaway. ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. Vroomans' Quilts

    I've always wanted to make one of these – just beautiful and beautifully quilted, too. Funny (and embaressing) moment – when my youngest in kindergarten – meet Santa Breakfast – sat on Santa's lap and when Santa spoke to him he yelled 'Mommy, you never told me Santa was my bus driver!'

  3. Thank you for the post, the links and the giveaway.mystica123athotmaildotcom

  4. Teresa in Music City

    One Christmas Eve I spent the night at my cousin's house. After everyone was asleep, she said, "Let's go down and see what's under the tree!" So we did. Then she started opening all her presents! I was shocked!!! But she was very careful. She opened everyone of them and then taped them back up just as carefully. I was too scared to try to open mine. Her mom never knew that she did that every Christmas.

  5. Teresa in Music City

    I love your One Block Wonder quilt!!! Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm a follower :*)

  6. One year I tried to surprise my husband with a watch that he really liked. So I purchased it while he was at work and hidit before he got home. Well unbeknownst to me he had gone to the same store during his lunch hour and saw me purchasing the watch. He did wait until after Christmas to tell me that he saw me buy it.

  7. Heleen Groot

    I love your One Block Wonder. It looks absolutely beautiful. Amazing quilting too, very impressed by the four patch backing! My backing always turn out crooked! Well done.Funny Christmas story? The Christmas Tree is always a focal point. Before we bought the artificial one, we always managed to choose the wrong one. It was always to big for the room (so a piece of the top needed to come off) and it was always, well, challenged in some way. Let's just say that. So strings and balancing acts were required. This usually worked. Until that one Christmas dinner, were the tree (sagging for a long time) collapsed. It fell on the dog (waiting for a piece of turkey) and then bounced back! Probably because of all the string around it. I have never seen a dog look so weird. Nobody was hurt, not an ornament was broken…..

  8. Just beautiful! Your quilt witht he Yenter fabric is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful info with us and I hope you have a great day.My most embarrassing moment was the one and only time I got all my shopping done by summers end and had to hide the presents. Well the lady whose house I hid them at moved and I forgot all about the presents she had until Christmas was on top of us and they never got here through the mail until after Christmas and a small fortune later. Very upsetting at the time but I look back now and think how funny that was.

  9. Beautiful! We used to put up a 12 ft tree and one year the cat decided to climb to the top. After he got up there he just couldn't turn around so he just stared at the angel and yelled for help. We all came running and laughed for years.

  10. Yes you know I am a long time follower of your blog….have a wonderful day

  11. Your one block wonder quilt is so lovely. i can't think of anything funny at Christmas except I was born in England and got used to it being cold and snowy for Christmas and just sometimes now I live in NZ where it is sunny it just strikes me as being a bit weird and strange there is no snow.

  12. One year my parents hired a friend to dress up as Santa and bring the presents to the house. Santa acted very strangely, none of us would get too close to him. As an adult looking back, it's obvious Santa had been drinking too much of the eggnog. Or something. He was three sheets to the wind, as the saying goes.

  13. Darlington Gal

    Lovely quilt. Yenter has some great fabrics and patterns…I am just now discovering them. I'm an ongoing follower. kmcassie (at} gmail {dot] com

  14. Darlington Gal

    My fun Christmas story is very similar only it was my grandfather who always left when Santa arrived. He would leave saying he needed to take out the trash, unload all of my Christmas presents onto the front porch (we lived in FL – no chimney), ring the doorbell, say "Ho! Ho! Ho!" and run like crazy around the house. Like you I was so upset that he wasn't with me when Santa arrived! LOL. kmcassie (at} gmail [dot) com

  15. I love your one block wonder. It is so beautiful.Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part of this blog

  16. I love your one block wonder. It is so beautiful.Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part of this blog

  17. Thanks for sharing your pretty quilt. This "funny" thing happened to my best friend in grade school – her little brother got up really early one Christmas morning & opened EVERY gift under the tree. It was horrifying when it happened but funny now.

  18. absolutely amazing your top quilt looks like it would fit a king size bed..or is it a block..hard to tell…very impressive.

  19. My husband's family thinks this story is funny, although I'm not sure I agree. I bake ridiculous numbers of cookies at Christmas and one year (probably 20 years ago) I had containers of cookies stacked everywhere in the kitchen — including some on top of the refrigerator. I was lifting one big container down from there and dropped it. The lid popped off and cookies flew all over the place. My FIL nearly fell over laughing — I think he even took a picture of cookies all over the floor. For some reason he still tells that story today.

  20. One Christmas in my early teens, I decided I didnt' want to wait to see what was in the packages. I was home alone so I decided to snoop! I was so disappointed with what was in the packages. I didn't think to look at sizes on the clothes. Mom knew me too well – she had switched the labels. I was looking at my brother's presents. Was I surprised on Christmas morning? You bet! I am sure my face had a funny look on it when my brother opened his packages. Ha ha.

  21. Marjorie's Busy Corner

    Wonderful quilts…my first thought is the year i put the boys to bed…got in bed myself and realized i had forgot a couple of trucks for them. Back up…digging as quietly as I could not to wake them…lol

  22. Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures

    Pretty OBW kwilt. I made a holiday one a couple years ago with a partridge in a paper tree fabric. It is sew fu. To see how they turn out! Thanks for sharing yours!

  23. Debbie Rogowski

    When my girls were almost 2 and 4 the whole family flew down for the holiday. Christmas morning we awoke (I guess a little late) to find the girls had opened EVERY present under the tree. 🙂 Beautiful quilt and thanks for the giveaway

  24. StitchinByTheLake

    Oh my, simply stunning! I'm not sure if it's embarrassing but one year my husband's deer stand broke while he was hunting and we went to Grandmother's for Christmas dinner with him riding in the back of the station wagon with the presents because it was the only way he could stretch out his leg to accommodate that cast! blessings, marlene

  25. Simply beautiful!!! A funny thing happened last Christmas where I mixed up the gifts for my husband and son… the look on my husband's face was hilarious 😉

  26. I love your one block wonder quilt! I have been wanting to start one of those… You have inspired me. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Siouxzq64@gmail.com

    Great one block wonder quilt, and beautiful quilting. I am a follower.

  28. Your one block wonder is gorgeous! My funny Christmas experience happened last year. At our family gift exchange, by sister, who is not handy with tools, got a drill from her boyfriend. She looked disappointed when she unwrapped the present and saw the box. But her boyfriend told her to open it and look at the drill. There was an engagement ring inside, and he got down on his knees and proposed in front of everyone.

  29. I think that one of the funniest Christmas I had as a child was when my brother and I waited up for Santa. We kept peeking around the corner until we saw my mom and dad putting presents under the tree. When I was young the presents were never wrapped so we could see everything. We were so excited to see the gifts when we went to bed. The next morning we got up and they were all gone. My parents had seen up looking so they took and hid them somewhere else and told us Santa didnt come. We learned our lesson that day not to peek My mom and dad laughed so hard that day . They said the look on our faces said it all. Thanks for sharing.

  30. I love Connecting Threads fabric. One year we were in the middle of renovating our living room so the kids decorated the step ladder into a tree lights and all. I think that ended up being one of our favorite Christmas' and they all talk about that Christmas. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  31. Your quilt is gorgeous!!When I was about 5 Santa brought me a doll baby bed that I had seen in my parent's storage closet! I thought it was so smart of him to repaint it for me!!

  32. I'm a follower. I'm always impressed that you get so much done with small children around.

  33. My funny story is from my childhood. I have always been a good guesser as to what is in a package. My kids won't even let me see presents anymore. Anyway, that year I wanted a birthstone ring. There were no small presents under the tree but one huge one. My sister had wrapped the ring in a box, inside a box, and so on till about 6 boxes were used. In the last one she tossed in several handfuls of pecans so the package would rattle and I could hear things rolling around inside it. Didn't figure that one out. LOL

  34. I love your projects. Thank you for participating in the hop. one year hubby gave my daughter and i a kareeokee machine. Never used it! we like singing without it. lol

  35. Your quilt is just fabulous. Great label too.I don't really having anything funny to share about Christmas but I was surprised one Christmas. I have a son and DIL who said they were coming home from Christmas but they did and showed up just as dinner was being served. Maybe that is the funny part. :0) I was so excited to see them. It was the best Christmas ever because they showed up and it snowed on Christmas day in North Carolina.

  36. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful…such a treasure to have for Christmas! One Christmas my husband and I were in the other room when suddenly my two young daughters ran into the room yelling, "Snow, snow!" They were covered in little white Styrofoam balls that floated throughout the room as they ran through it. The Styrofoam was from the insides of two bean bag chairs Santa had brought them and they'd decided to open to see what was inside. Even years later we would find little pieces of Styrofoam stuck to something. What a funny mess!

  37. Stunning quilts! Love the table runner.One year for Christmas my Dad got my mom a whole bunch of presents, from Jewelry to plastic glasses for the kitchen. He had us kids help wrap each one individually, even the glasses, and put them in bigger boxes, wrapped of course, and then put all those boxes in a huge box and put it under the tree. We were all supper giddy and excited for our Mom to open her huge box full of surprises. It was fun to see my mom unwrap everything, knowing there was more and more secrets in the box.

  38. Karen in Breezy Point

    I guess it's funny now, but not so much when our cat climbed all the way up the trunk of the Christmas Tree, tipped it over and started batting the ornaments around like they were cat toys!

  39. my dad was always a practical joker at christmas. when i was five years old he got shoe boxes and put horse manure in them and taped money to the bottom of the box and wrapped them. when my three older brothers opened the presents and found the horse manure, one was so mad he threw it in the fire. and he was really upset when he found out about the money on the bottom of the box. babscorbitt@gmail.com

  40. The funniest thing was when we had a gift with a clue in the box…nothing else for my son to find his stereo when he was prob 10 or so. He went from clue to clue until we went to grandma's house and there it was:) He was SO happy!!!! He still talks about it and he is almost 30 now:)


  42. Denise Russell

    Gorgeous quilt and quilting! Funny: my Aunt used to dress up as Santa Claus and hope we did not notice it was her! We all knew!!!

  43. the funniest christmas ever was when we were growing up. My older brother who is about 8 years older than me..was allways so mean to us girls and picked on us constantly. So I picked a lovely bundle of switches. Wrapped them up one night when no one was watching…Snuck em under the tree with jut his name on it. And on Christmas Morning everyone was dumbfounded trying to figure out where they came from..Of course they were from santa cause he was so naughty… Several weeks later I admitted to it…But let me tell you tha twas a puzzle everyone in our rhouse was trying to solve. And everyone had been trying to blame it on everyone else.When it was all said and done my brother said I knew it was you miss goody two shoes..lol…

  44. pinsandneedles

    Beautiful quilt! Funny story is every year with our Norwegian friends we have a progressive dinner. Sometime in the evening, the Nisse Lady comes to give presents to the children. Much like Santa, many of the children are scared of her and rather not go up to get their gifts.

  45. Your story is great and so is your quilt, beautiful. Thank you for the giveaway.(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)One Christmas at my grandmothers when I was little I decided to lick the frost on the aluminum door and yup my tongue got stuck.

  46. I am a follower too. Thanks(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)P.S.I put my email in comment so you can contact me.

  47. Just Quilt It

    Lovely quilt and beautiful quilting! I've been a follower for quite awhile. I signed up for "Nuts and Bolts" and liked on fb! Thanks for having a giveaway!

  48. Hi Bea, First I love tha hexie quilt! great job quilting it too. And this wasn't funny at the time but is now – Many years ago my SIL just arrived from Germany – didn't speak english – she wanted to put candles on xmas tree – so we did -well someone had put that spray on snow on the tree. – Xmas eve we r all sitting there when Jutta my sil lit the candles – a few miinutes later the tree caught fire of course- Note to self: Fake snow is flammable – the guys reacted very quickly and pulled the tree out mama's front door and noone nor any presents were lost – but we went back in there after eceryone calmed down -(23 people in the room at the time) and my brother had brought the burnt tree back inside! It looked like Charlie Browns tree and had i red ball left on it. Of course that photo comes out every year.And of course I am alredy a follower.xo jan

  49. Kathy MacKie

    Thanks for the giveaway and I tried to think of a funny story Christmas related and I'm drawing a blank. All my memories are fond ones and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

  50. The funniest Holiday Story I remember is the one about my husbands red plaid shirt. He wore it every year on Christmas day. So one year we all wore a red plaid shirt when we got together on Christmas Day. It took him a few hours to figure out why we all had huge smiles on our faces and we were giggling the whole time.I still have the shirt….but he doesn't know where it is. I think I'll make ornaments out of it.Thanks for sharing the beautiful quilt. I

  51. Scrapbook-ChickADoodle

    Love your quilt. Silly story…we had 7 kids, so not lots of money. When the 2 oldest were old enough to drive they wanted cars for Christmas. That wasn't happening, but I went to the local Porsche dealership and bought key blanks and Porsche key chains. Wrapped with a note that they had a key for their FUTURE Porsche.Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. Love your Christmas story. Mine is somewhat similar. Santa came to my grandmother's house when we were there with my cousins, aunts and uncles. I was only 4 or 5 years old. Santa was distributing gifts and then I saw his ring and said, "You're not Santa. You're my Daddy". Yep, my Dad was playing Santa that year.

  53. A very beautiful quilt ! It looks huge so I'm wondering about the one block wonder ? Is it 1 block ?

  54. Very nice quilts, The only funny thing I can remember about Christmas is my nephew falling into a big box (he was 5) and he couldn't get out. All we saw was his little feet flaying around because he was on his head. He was fine.

  55. We always made a 700 mile trip to my family for xmas. One year Santa was bring a play kitchen for the girls (which could not possibly be hidden or even fit in the car). One evening we went for a drive to look at xmas lights a couple of days before the trip and when we returned home Santa had made an early visit. The girls were excited, but disappointed that we weren't home to see the jolly old man.

  56. I have a similar story as you…..my Uncle Lou played Santa for the Elks Club in San Francisco,CA….this was about 60 years ago and I was about 4 and I was in line with all the other kids to sit on Santa's lap….and as I was getting closer…I started yelling that Santa was my Uncle Lou…all the adults came over to me to keep me quiet….but I kept yelling that it was my Uncle Lou…..I now think it was funny, but I sure got in trouble that night….

  57. Joyce Carter

    Beautiful quilt and the quilting is gorgeous. You always do such a great job. Thank you for sharing.The only thing I remember is one Christmas at work, the girl that got my name gave me a present in a hugh box. I unwraped the box just to find another box inside. Everyone watched as I unwraped box after box. After about 5 or 6 boxes, I finally came to my gift-a very small pair of ear rings. Everyone had a great laugh about this. Thanks for the giveaway.

  58. Quilting Tangent

    Funny story – I guess how my adult sister in law has to inspect all the gifts after they are open.

  59. Great quilt and backing.My great-aunt & uncle invited us over for Christmas dinner years ago. She had us seated around the table & asked her hubby to bless the food. He prayed so long she had to ease out of her chair to check on the dinner rolls in the over. The door to the over creaked so loudly that it startled my great-uncle into silence at which point, we all broke into unrestrained laughter.I'm already a FOLLOWER!!

  60. When I was four I asked Santa for a doggy. Christmas morning I found a beautiful doll with a wardrobe full of clothes under the tree. I began to cry because Santa had misunderstood me. I wanted a doggy not a dolly. Then I heard a yip coming from the breezeway. There I found "Packy", my best friend for the next 14 years. Santa knew exactly what I wanted after all.

  61. Lovely quilt and it would have possibly worked for the hexagon hop too. The runner turned out well too. Funny holiday story? Well one year we decorated the tree with candy canes. Of course, we three kids could not let candy go untouched. We each had one but silly me, stuck mine in my velveteen lined jewelry box thinking I could come back to it later. UGH—black fuzz. THX for the giveaway opportunity. I used the green metallic, Ivy maybe on my tree skirt and have some charms on hand as well.

  62. Heidi [Grizz-n-Dove]

    Just love your quilt label! Funny thing: I was little and ww were spending Christmas at my grandma's. She had a very energetic dog that I didn't like. I was sleeping on a cot in the living room and guess what woke me up? The dog waa licking my face!! Ugh.

  63. We had a new kitten one year at Xmas and she loved climbing the tree and hiding in the branches. She would swat at anyone if they got too close. It was great. Thanks so much for sharing

  64. Bente-I like to QuiltBlog

    Hej Bea.Din kaleidoskop quilt er bare så flot!Bagsiden er også fin og ja jeg ved hvor svært det er at få sådan en bagside til at ligge lige.Jeg kan sagtens genkende din juleerindring, mon ikke de fleste danske børn har oplevet det samme.Herlig historie ☺Smuk bordløber forøvrigt!Ha det godt!khBente

  65. Marla's Crafts

    Love the quilt but the bag is supper cool. I love Connecting threads and order from them often. What a nice give away.

  66. OH gosh, my funny story is really long. I'll do my best to condense it. We found there was a mouse in our house one year during Christmas time so because I just cannot touch mouse traps after a mouse has been caught, I bought some of those rectangular sticky traps which 'trap' the mouse on them. Yea, not such a good idea on my part since trapping a mouse on a large sticky piece of paper/cardboard doesn't kill them so all they do is squeal very loudly. This isn't necessarily a bad thing UNLESS you have a cat which to this cat of mine was a call for help of his newest toy Mommy was nice enough to catch for him that Christmas. So this cat of mine tells the rest of his story: "Oh what a wonderful gift Mommy. Thank you. I shall play with him and free him from his sticky mess. Oh wait, this stuff is really sticky. I trapped my butt on it but the mouse and I were now sharing the sticky messy trap so we both played a bit and got free. Then I got it stuck to myself again, but I was lucky enough that another clump of my fur stayed on the trap as I ran away. I found my new toy. He was hiding in the living room near the tree. He must've been waiting for me to come play with him I thought. Funny though, as I got so very close to him, he ran underneath that very pretty Christmas tree skirt you had made last year. I tried to catch him to play but he kept running around the tree underneath your tree skirt. I'm sorry I was making so much noise that I woke you up to come see what a mess I was making but, forgive me if I continue playing with my fun new toy you got for me. I don't know why he keeps making me run in circles around the tree, but he must have gotten tired of that and thought we should run up the tree to play a new game. Oh no! I am SO sorry Mommy. I did not know my new friend and I would make the tree fall over that way when we ran up the branches but, it was a lot of fun. I don't understand why you are just standing there not helping me catch my new toy and laughing so hysterically though. Why are you laughing so hard. Wait! Are you crying? Wow! You must really think I am funny. I don't think it is that funny. I just want to play with my toy you gave me for Christmas. Wait! NOOOOOOO! Mommy! WHY did Daddy just take my toy away? Where is he going? No! WHY did he take my toy outside? That's not very nice. We were having so much fun. And by the way, I really liked those new ornaments you bought this year. I'm sorry some got broken when we were running around the tree and it fell over. Maybe you should have gotten plastic ones instead of those pretty ones that were such thin glass. I think I'll go take a nap now. I'm awfully tired. Please put my present next year in a cage to make it easier for me to play with him. Ok?"Yes, I was laughing hysterically to the point of tears and even found it hard to talk I was laughing so much. I woke to such a noise from him meowing as he chased that mouse around the tree. I walked down the hallway from our bedroom and the first thing I saw was big black clumps of fur all over the kitchen leading in toward the living room where I found the sticky trap with yet more fur clumps attached. Then it hit me that the stupid cat had freed the mouse off the trap because I saw him under the tree with the other two traps stuck to his a$$. He totally dismantled my beautiful Christmas tree and broke multiple ornaments. And every year after that when we put up our tree, as long as we owned that cat, we opened the window behind the tree and ran a piece of wire around the trunk of the tree halfway up and closed the ends of the wire in the window so he could not knock the tree over again. There's my funny Christmas story.

  67. Love the one block wonder, my funny story is one year I asked hubby for perfume and he bought me a a new one out called Michael because his name was Michael so he knew it would be good. And actually it was, but since I have been more specific on my Christmas list. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  68. Hiya Bea!!! From a fellow NC'er, your quilt is lovely. I don't have a funny story but a touching one. One Christmas my husband told me my gift was too big to fit in the trunk of the car, so he'd just have to put it in my stocking. I couldn't figure what in the world it could be. That Christmas morning, I pulled a card from my stocking, it said "All my love, Dean". I cried like a baby. Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway. Merry Christmas, blessed be, hugs!!! Pampamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  69. Hiya Bea!!! I follow you by email, so I never miss a post. Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway. Merry Christmas, blessed be, hugs!!! Pampamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  70. Beautiful quilt! Love it! Great giveaway! Thanks.My funny story was not really funny when it happened, but looking back I can laugh. Had many friends and family for dinner and as I took the turkey out of the oven the pan slid off the oven rack and on the oven door, slid off and landed on the floor. What a mess. cheersmaggiemaggiemine42@gmail.com

  71. Lorene Holbrook

    when our children were small, we had a good friend who dressed up as santa for parties. we asked him if he was busy Christmas eve night. he had a party. so we asked him if he would come over after the party so we could take pictures of him placing presents under the tree. our camera – a poloroid! we left the pics on the couch. the kids were beyond shocked!!!! who was santa? for years they asked about it! best thing ever! thanks for the chance!

  72. This rocked!! Seriously LOVE the Santa ….. LOL!!! Haha – not wanting to wait till Christmas … and working in a house with a nurse for a mom – we tracked down "Santa's stash" in the house – and took a scalpel (cause what mom doesn't have one of those!!) and carefully opened our presents – and carefully put tape under it at the seam so she wouldn't know …….. It was hard acting surprised at "Santa's presents" that year 🙂

  73. Angelia Lanouette

    Our most memorable Christmas happened several years ago when we rescued two 8 week old kittens from a shelter just two days before Christmas. I can't remember how many times we had to redecorate the Christmas tree those first few days. That was the first time ever that we took the tree down the day after Christmas. Eight years later and we are still redecorating the tree several times each year. Gotta love 'em!! Thank you! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  74. WOW what a beautiful quilt!My sister, who was 5 years older than me, wanted an electric razor for Christmas. She told me if I told her one gift she was getting, she would tell me one gift I was getting. Well of course I blabbed that she was getting the razor. Then she told me I was getting underwear with days of the week embroidered on them. Well I never got the underwear…….I was really looking forward to that fancy underwear! She got me good!

  75. Beautiful work and wonderful story! I love the label! Thanks for sharing!

  76. Your quilt is amazing. My sister and I were always trying to find out what the other gave at Christmas. Usually we each joke with each other about it. One year she told me. Turned out on Christmas morning it was exactly what she had said. Kind of cured each of us from that again. Thanks for sharing.

  77. Annette Schultz

    great quilt…. I have not tried this type yet but hope to sometime in my lifetime just not sure when.they do look sew interesting and you have done a great job with it thanks for sharing with us todayin stitches

  78. I love your one block wonder quilt. I want to make one. I have some fabric and now that I have seen a Christmas one block wonder. I may have changed my mind for a Christmas one block wonder quilt instead of the fabric I have. The table runner is phenomenal. And your quilting is superb. Now, my story. My brother could always guess what was in his Christmas packages. One year, I bought him some wild matching underwear (t-shirt and shorts). I took a paper wrapping tube and stuffed them down in the tube, wrapped the tube and twisted the ends of the paper over the tube ends. My parents and I were sure that he could not figure it out. He found the tube under the tree. He turned around and said "Sis, thanks for the underwear!" How in the world he knew that we have no idea. I had put the packing, etc. in my bedroom where he could not possibly find it. It wasn't funny then but is now.Thanks for participating and all the eye candy, wonderful creativity, and fun.

  79. Love the quilt!!!! Funny story at Christmas….funny now anyway. Our first Christmas after getting married we hosted Christmas dinner at our house for the whole family on both sides. When we sat down to eat everything had a little "crunch" to it. Come to find out our well casing had a hole in it and everything I made had sand in it. Definitely a Christmas we will never forget.

  80. One Christmas my dad was playing Santa at the local department store, so we picked that time to take my 2 year old son to see Santa. Well he knew it was Grandpa right away, so for years he was convinced his Grandpa was Santa!

  81. Love the hexies. Funny story. When I was twelve my parents went out to do some grocery shopping a few days before Christmas. Presents were wrapped and under the tree. All seven of us kids were home. I pulled out all the gifts and stacked them in piles for each of us so we could see who had the most and the biggest. Everyone had three or four except me. I had one little box. It wasn't even wrapped. It was an old card box taped shut. I peeled the tape and peeked inside. It was one pair of under pants. I was heart broken. I was sure I was getting more than that. Christmas morning, everyone opened their gifts and there I sat with this one box. Dad sent me out to the garage to get something and there was a new bike with a big sign that had my name on it. Just goes to show peeking does you no good.

  82. I'll tell you something funny that happens almost every Christmas. Like my mom, I start shopping and stashing for Christmas early and almost every year, when the gifts are all unwrapped, I'll remember that there was that one thing I put in a "safe place" and forgot to wrap! Every family has to have its traditions, right? Thanks for hosting, your quilt is just lovely! pbstrand@msn.com

  83. One of my favorite memories of Christmas fun was the year I got my bike. We had moved from S IL to the northern part of the state and money was tight. I was 8 and my cousin was 5. We all gathered at my grandparents house for a week of fun. Anyway, my aunt and uncle were going to give Howard a bike, so Mother told me and explained they couldn't afford to get me one so that I wouldn't be disappointed. Christmas eve after we had opened gifts, Howard and I were sent to the kitchen. I was excited because I knew this was when Howard was going to get his bike, and I was in on the secret. Boy was I surprised when we walked into the LR and saw 2 bikes. It seemed that when our grandparents heard about the situation, they decided to buy the bikes so that I would have one too. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  84. Yep, I've been following you for quite some time. Thanks for the chances to win.

  85. Right now, I really can't think of something funny about Christmas. I will say that when my children were little and Santa came, we were ALL gone and the presents appeared (by magic?)during that time. Yes, we did arrange to have a friend come in to put out the gifts. The kids never did figure out how it was done until we told them. 🙂

  86. Very, very pretty. Both of them. The only funny that I have to share isn't my story…my MIL is well known for buying gifts early in the year and then hiding them, even still to this day though she lives alone, and then of course when Christmas comes she can't find them. She usually finds the belated gift the following spring.

  87. Lovely project. I only have a fun story. Fun thing we did for christmas every year was open one present on christmas eve.

  88. I love your table runner! My funny story is that when I was about 10 or 11, we couldn't wait to open presents, like most kids. We usually got the same thing from several of our relatives so one Christmas 3 of my siblings and I carefully unwrapped different gifts from those relatives, then re-wrapped them. We then knew what 4 of our gifts were.

  89. BizyStitches

    1. Lovely projects.My story, there was 8 kids in our family. We went to a school that was only 2 blocks from our home. During the weeks before Christmas each class room has a decorated Christmas tree. Then on the last day before Christmas break the trees were given to one of the students. One year we ended up with 4 Christmas trees in our house.

  90. One year at school, we were revealing secret pals at the Christmas party. I thought I knew who had my name and bought a necklace for her. My DD told me that that girl wouldn't like the necklace. She was right! I found out at the party that my DD had my name!

  91. I have been a follower of yours for quite some time. I wish I could get done 1/2 of what you do. Thanks as always for sharing.

  92. My "funny" Christmas story is when my brother and I waited up for Santa and only saw Dad busy under the Christmas tree. If you can believe it we still believed in Santa.nicolesender(at)yahoo(dot)com

  93. gfc follower: nicolesenderBloglovin follower: Nicole Sendernicolesender(at)yahoo(dot)com

  94. Our first Christmas as husband and wife I bought my husband a vise. I know real romantic! I was admiring my gift before wrapping it Christmas Eve when my husband returned to my parents' home after doing a grocery errand for my mum. I dashed from the kitchen to the bathroom with the vise and as I closed the bathroom door I dropped the vise on my foot. Oh, I cried and cried and my confused husband wondered what was going on. Why was his new father-in-law smirking? My husband thought for sure he had done something wrong but couldn't figure out what. We all laughed in the morning after a tense Christmas Eve. I couldn't wear shoes or winter boots for days and days.

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