Hexie Queen Blog Hop and giveaway

Hexie queen2

It’s HEXIE time!!

If you follow my blog you know I love working on Ahhhh’s but I will show a bit of those at the end here.

I DID make a new project for this hop.

I showed this picture last week, a project I worked on while on vacation in Napa, CA

Napa 262

My plan was to make a small zippered pouch from THIS book at connecting threads. But when we got back home, I searched everywhere and just couldn’t find the book! grrr.

So instead I googled how to make a lined zippered pouch.

and I found one HERE

Now I was a bit scared to cut up this pretty hexie piece


and even cut it in half!

but I managed fine and cut the lining to match and found a pink zipper


When I had sewn it all together I figured I wanted a flat bottom and knew I had to mark a diagonal and sew on the line and trim

well….. see what I did wrong? I forgot the line had to go the other way (hard to explain if you haven’t done it before)


so I ended up with a pouch with corners cut off the bottom….

errrr. TOTALLY meant to DO that…. RIGHT!?

here’s a front and back view


And inside view. May use it as my hand sewing pouch now Smile


And here’s a few pics of AHHHH’s

(Artistic, Hexotic, Hectic, Hillbilly Hexagons)

More about them here

I just received #49-#56

They are ADDICTIVE I tell you Smile


Would you like to WIN some Ahhhh’s??

Tonya (the owner of Hillbillyquiltshop)

Sent me some extra Ahhhh’s to give away.

They are #25 – #31

some are easy, some are hard and some are intermediate.


Here’s what you have to do to win these.

Go to Tonya’s site and tell me which Ahhhh is your favorite (you can mention more than one)

followers of my blog get a 2nd chance.

I’ll pick a winner the 29th!


Here’s the schedule for today

Thursday, August 22    

Negligent Style

Sue Mac Seeds

The Tilted Quilt

Julia Plunket – Sew We Quilt

Just Let Me Quilt

More Stars in Comanche

Be a Quilter

Sew Me Something Good

Cherrys Prairie Primitives

Words and Stitches

Thanks to Mdm Samm and Debby for hosting and planning this great hop!

101 thoughts on “Hexie Queen Blog Hop and giveaway”

  1. Hey, first of all, your pouch is very nice, good job!Thanks a lot for the link to Tonja's site, it is just amazing which combinations are possible with hexies… it's dangereous to peak around there… smile

  2. Love your bag and especially the fabric!!! I have not tried a hexie…it is on my To Do List.

  3. Just Quilt It

    I love the way your bag turned out–rounded corners and all. It's great how we can take our mistakes and just roll with them! I am a follower, and I am intrigued with these hexies. I really like David's Star, even though it is simple. What size are these ahhh hexies? Great work!

  4. Frances Campbell

    Like Whirly Gig and Shepherds Star. Hard to choose.Great recovery on the stitching bag. Cute.

  5. MooseStash Quilting

    Wow, those hexies from Tonya's site look difficult. Love your little pouch!

  6. patchouli moon studio

    All that work on those hexies and you cut them? Oh you are brave! Darling bag in beautiful colors.

  7. I like tilt a whirl and diamond engagment. your pouch is very cute Thanks for sharing.

  8. Heleen Groot

    Very, very nice pouch! It looks lovely. Thank you for the link. I am orientating to start on hexies (some time soon) so all information is really welcome. Beautiful work!

  9. The hexie bag is really cute. I'd have a hard time cutting the hexies too.

  10. The zippered pouch is cute.. so pretty! Thanks for participating and inspiring us today. I'm following!

  11. feltfree på Åsly

    What a pretty bag! You did a great job! i love the colors you used. Thanks for the ahhhs

  12. The AHHH's are so interesting, I like 15, 17 and 27. Next time you will have to try the open wide zippered pouch tutorial, it's really good.

  13. Quilting Tangent

    #10 Pathways,#11 Kim's cube, #50 Illusions and allot of the others. You might have hooked me into a new block type. Love all the dimension you can have.You made a pretty bag to keep your AHHHHS in while you work on them.

  14. Rose Marie Andreozzi

    My favorite AHHH is Pathways, although I cannot imagine making it with all of those small pieces. I am wondering if you ever resize the blocks?

  15. You were very brave to slice into those hexies ! Your bag was "sew" worth it ! The fabric is so pretty and I really like how the bottom turned out.

  16. apple blossom

    pretty bag…very interesting designs…I like pathwaysABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  17. Jane's Fabrics and Quilts

    Good for you to figure out how to make the pouch. I never have but now I know where to look. I just love it! The other hexies I see how fun they would be to make. What a great scrap buster project.

  18. I love your little hexie pouch. i don't know if I could cut into those hexies though. That would be tough. I am just now getting to where I can handle regular hexies – I don't know about Ahhhhs.xo jan

  19. JanesQuilting

    Your purse is adorable…Looks to me like it may have been a good thing that you could not find your book.

  20. JanesQuilting

    I went to Tanya's site…I wouldn't mind trying them all but I think I would start with Tilt a Whirl.

  21. I really like this bag and think that the angled corners match the hexie sides. Nice job!

  22. Interesting site. I have seen some of them made up on blogs but didn't know how to do them. There were several that I liked — Razor Sharp, Tilt a Whirl, The Hidden Star, Snap Shot, and others. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  23. My favorite is Kim's Cubes. I love your pouch. I want to make one!I'm following your blog. Thanks

  24. That made up into a very pretty pouch! I am with you about forcing yourself to cut into a perfectly pieced quilt or sewn up piece. The first tree skirt opening recently about did me in.

  25. I just love your bag! Well done, thanks for sharing!cheersmaggiemaggiemine42@gmail.com

  26. Angelia Lanouette

    Wow…so many wonderful patterns. There are several AHHHs that I would love to try but Granny's Spring Tonic and I Wish I May might be on top of my list. Your beautiful hexie pouch would be perfect to keep some AHHH projects in. Thank you!! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  27. Gee, those are an interesting variation on the hexie. I wouldn't know where to start-like a kid in a candy store. What would you recommend to a beginner? Pie and Ice Cream? It's better to start with something simple when learning a new techniques so you have success.Glad you enjoyed your time in Napa. From the SFBay Area, thanks for sharing.

  28. I would be a bit nervous, too, to cut a perfectly beautiful piece of hexie fabric in half! But your bag turned out awesome and any mistakes are completely invisible! It's fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Bente-I like to QuiltBlog

    Hej Bea,din lille taske er så sød og hel unique 😉 jeg kan godt forstå at du ærgerde dig, da du havde skåret hjørnerne forkert af… shit happens ☺Jeg beundre jeres Ahhh blokke, kæmpe arbejde med alle de små dele, flot!Thanks for sharing.khBente

  30. Greetings, I am new to quilting, my mom has reeled me in!! She also introduced me to blog hops! wow at the info!! Your work is beautiful! Can't wait to see more!Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the giveaway- hope to win to help me get started!Gwen – zombiewatcher2012@gmail.com

  31. Bonnie Pfrimmer

    Your bag is really cute. Thank you for sharing. I looked at her page and got confused. I am a visual person and couldn't figure out what they would look like without fabric. I wish she had samples made up. I did recognize one block #32. I think it is a nice concept to making hexies.

  32. I really like your cute little pouch! It looks perfect for your had sewing pouch. Thanks for sharing the pattern for it. It looks like something even I could make. I haven't sewn anything with a zipper in years! I think I'd like to try some Ahhhhs as well. I looked at Tonya's site and I would love to win one of these: #2 The Conference Call, #13 Stepping Stones & #32 Snap Shot.

  33. My two favourites are I wish I may and pathways. I love what you did with you hexagons what a great idea.

  34. Those Ahhhh's look pretty great!I like quite a few of them: #1,19, 24, & 25 to name a few….Some look rather challenging! Thanksfor the chance to win!!wigglypup2(at)yahoo(dot)com

  35. Very nice pouch, Bea! I'm also in the middle of making one with hexies! I've got hexies on my sewing table in progress to use as the front of a pouch using Geta Gramma's pattern. Tonya has so many fun hexies. I like the ones with lots of little pieces, like Pathways, etc.

  36. Teresa in Music City

    Your ahhh's are always gorgeous Bea! And I think your little pouch turned out cute as a bug's ear! I don't know that I would have had the courage to cut those hexies up – brave girl!!!!

  37. Pathways and Reflections catch my eye. Hexies are next on my list to try

  38. Your pouch is cute. It would have been hard to cut up all those hexies…brave! I have never heard of ahhhs before. Fun to look through them all. I can't even imagine doing an advanced one. Braided Triangle and Grandpas Socks were two of the beginner ones I liked.

  39. I love Starburst and Gracie's Glass, but suspect they'd be beyond me.You were brace to cut your hexies, but the finished bag is cute, even with its "different" corners.

  40. Oops, my previous comment should have said brave, not brace!I am a follower.

  41. ruthshelton10@att.net

    Flying the Coop #27 is my favorite. I Like boxed looking patterns. Been drawing these since I was a kid. I can see this one in many different views.

  42. Josie McRazie

    I had NEVER heard of Ahhhs till this hop (I am pretty new!) But I LOVE them!!! I will have to try them!!! And the bag is a must, too!!

  43. Oops. I like the fabrics you used though and I'm sure you'll still put it to good use.

  44. Pretty hexie pouch! The colours are fabulous.Never heard of Ahhhhs before. Some of them are a bit scary looking!

  45. Rochelle Marouski

    I liked Kim's Cube! Just finished a hexadaisy from Craftsy. Love the cube affect.

  46. I really like Ol Matt's Lantern and Kim's cube. I love your projects. Your pouch is your lemonade; I think it turned out great though. Thank you for sharing.

  47. Love the bag and would choose diamond enegagment and sun stones and david's star. thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  48. Your little zipper pouch is adorable! I have never heard of Ahhhhs before. They are so cool! I love the Whirlygig and the Conference Call ones the best but they are all so neat.

  49. Love your bag! It is very painful to cut hexies that have been hand-sewn. You did a marvelous job, even if all didn't go as planned. Thanks for sharing all those hexies.

  50. Hiya Bea!!! Love your little pouch, so pretty. And I have a few of the Ahhhh's too. I especially like the star ones—I Wish I May, Granny's Spring Tonic, The Shepherd's Star, Tiered Hexie, and Starburst. I tend to like stars in my quilts too. Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pampamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  51. Hiya Bea!!! I am an email follower, have been for a while now. Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pampamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  52. What a cute little pouch Bea and the corners look okay. I would say you are having "hexie" fun!!

  53. It would be very hard to cut into those hexies. Your pouch is very cute!!

  54. I'm catching up with the hexie hop. What a cute zippy bag you made. What mistake – just an opportunity to create something new!!

  55. Teh hexie bag is adorable – I would ahve had a hard time cutting and trimming too but it was well worth it!

  56. Deonn @ Quiltscapes

    Adorable zip bag, Bea! Love the colors, and I'll bet it was tough to cut into, especially after all that work! But I am intrigued by the AHHHHs – even from earlier posts… that #45 is a killer! Beautiful!

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