Hexagon mystery top done

I finally got around to finishing the Mystahhhry topper.

Then I ironed it


Then I made sure to open up the flaps on the outer edges too


Someone on the FB group showed how she made hers to be square and I thought I would too, then I added a border, it’s about 32” now, not sure if I’ll make it bigger or not…


and speaking of hexagons! my son and I are REALLY into playing Settlers of CATAN! he made up a “flooded” rule and it’s actually quite fun!


I’ve also been playing with Island Batik strips

(found a tutorial on pinterest)


Most of my blocks are done, next I’ll play around with a layout and see what I come up with.


And last weekend, the kids went to a birthday party, it was SO windy and cold, we usually stay there too as we’re friends with the parents too, but it was too cold for us Anja. So hubby offered to take me out for sushi!

The last time we went out was when I was 3 month pregnant I think, it was delicious!!

It’s B1G1 rolls so we got 6…. and this place has some neat rolls, so we tried something different with each one.

Do any of you like sushi??


4 thoughts on “Hexagon mystery top done”

  1. The hexagon project is nice. I look forward to see what you are creating with the Island Batiks. I have not tried sushi, I'm not sure about raw fish.

  2. I haven't tried hexagons yet. One day. I am so hungry for sushi, yours looks wonderful!

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