Hearts and hands quilt show 2011 Sanford

Yesterday I went to Sanford to Hearts and Hands Quilt show

with some neighbors.

Here’s a few pictures- I took over 100 so I can’t show the all!

This one is STRIKING!

The quilting was perfect- then I looked and it was done on a computerized machine- THAT’s why!

This one I was VERY surprised didn’t get a ribbons, it was nice!

so MUCH detail on every block, hand appliqued, hand sewn ribbons, french knots etc. and hand quilted WOW

More details of it.

This little one was so INTERESTING, it looks like a crazy quilt, but then you look close up!

It’s all a bunch of fancy stitched using the sewing machine, such a NEAT idea, never seen anything like it.

This one did not get a ribbon this time but won a ribbon last year at the pine hurst show.

This one got BEST OF SHOW.

It was really cute and nice and well made

isn’t that CUTE? hand appliqued with matching thread and a button hole stitch, multi culored quilting, in a variegated red/white thread and green.

This one I gave my viewers choice 🙂 it was really nice I thought, again surprised it didn’t get a ribbon.

this one was just FUN- the note mentioned something about the maker being a teacher and teaching this technique- maybe silk?? I don’t know, I forgot already.

nice BOLD colors 🙂

QUAIL! how fun

hand appliqued- mostly needle turned but some button hole stitched too- looks like it got honorable mention.

This was actually the first one I saw when we came in.

very nice quilting, lovely feathers and squirly swirls, whatever you call them, surprised that didn’t get a ribbon for the quilting.

Hmm, sometimes you just never know what the judges are looking for…

I really want to enter more local quilt shows- I missed the state fair this year and gave up on the county fair- last year it was such a mess and honestly- not displayed very nicely nor protected from sticky little fingers. But of course I’m happy that I did get ribbons for my quilts at the county fair the last two years. I just need to know about these local shows more in advance so I can sign up in time.

anyone know any tricks to finding out which ones there are?

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