Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble Gobble until you topple!


Today is a day of thanks, I think most Americans just think of it as a day off to EAT lots of food and then go shopping that night or early morning.

Of course little kids learn about the Indians and Pilgrims in school etc.

Most of us ARE thankful and may have a tradition of going around the table and saying something we’re grateful or thankful for. We’re thankful for our families (though we all have “problems”), we’re thankful for our homes and the way we live, our health, jobs and all the stuff we have, and yet the next day on Black Friday we shop like mad for stuff we think we NEED or someone else NEEDS….. it’s an odd mentality isn’t it? Though, the stores are not as crazy as it used to be, now that we can shop online, especially on Amazon. It makes it even easier, we can be at home and digest our food from Turkey day and with a few clicks, shop Christmas presents for the whole family.


This turkey above was made by my daughter Solveig who’s 14 and a freshman at the science and engineering school (where Bjorn is a senior) then the students and staff added the strips around it, notice how many kids wrote “family” on their strips, and then other “normal” things we take for granted like school, art, animals, and friends!



6 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. I’m thankful for you and your family and all the joy you share with others, including me. I wish you and your beautiful family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    And, I love Solveig’s turkey. Very cute and so special.

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