Happy Fall Y’all

I live in the south but I’m not THAT southern that I say y’all (yet) LOL

It was the first day of fall on the 23rd.

Are you ready for fall? Here we actually had cool mornings all last week, I love busting out my sweaters and long pants!! Though my mid afternoon I’m sweating and need to shed layers. Maybe because we had a long hot summer, we might have a cold winter? We got a generator so we’ll be ok without power for a few days, though it still sucks……And since I homeschool, we don’t really get snow days like NC schools, but I won’t mind having a delayed school day because we’re outside playing in the snow! Though my kids don’t last that long outside in the cold…..

Why am I talking about snow when I’m supposed to think about fall???

We DO have one little pumpkin outside the front door already!!

So I figured I’d have the Pumpkin Vine pattern on sale TODAY!!

and how about the Pumpkin Vine KIT too??


To get 20% off the pattern or any of the kits, enter coupon code PUMPKINS at checkout.

Coupon expires Friday!

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