Happy Early Thanksgiving

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Early thanksgiving.

I have so much to be thankful for this year.

I am very Blessed.

I’m thankful for my wonderful family!

my baby girl this year 🙂

and also for Peanut, though some days he’s not really on my hit list….

I’m also thankful for Humor!

There are many more things I’m thankful for, I would write a looong list.

I’m so fortunate to be at home and my quilting business.

and that I can buy gadgets for my hobby/ business and not forget fabrics!!

Money IS tight, but not THAT tight.

(isn’t this just the cutest?)

and I just got these in the mail yesterday too, can’t wait to use them!!

Don’t eat too much turkey tomorrow 🙂

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

4 thoughts on “Happy Early Thanksgiving”

  1. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Bea and I can't wait to see what you make with your new dies!

  2. Gwen Ziegler

    Bea, I love your blog and am a follower! I have been wanting to try EQ for a while but was not sure because of the cost— this would give me the opportunity to try EQ out.Gwen Ziegler

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