Happy Anniversary EQ and new things

When I asked EQ about a giveaway for my blogger-versary, they ALSO sent me an anniversary T shirt! LOVE it and it’s a perfect fit.



So as I was sorting my January projects and seeing what other things I had on the shelf that were neglected, I pulled out this SNOW project that was a QAL on Carol’s blog last year and after the first month, I just got too busy with other things and stopped doing it, but as I looked in the box, I had already cut out pieces for the border (maybe that was part of clue #1?)

So easy peasy, I sewed them to the edges of this one and will turn it into a table runner!


Now while I was looking for backing fabrics, I had two blues in mind and these I had gotten on sale a while ago and I DO like them but they are kind of stiff cotton, so THEN I was looking at my ironing board and decided to recover my board, as the blue is a perfect match for the walls too!

I asked hubby to help me last weekend (really just to find the staple gun) he looked in the garage, in drawers, in boxes, then jokingly started blaming me for losing it that the last time WE used it was when WE recovered the design wall, so I must have just put it somewhere, we looked high and low!

No staple gun… so I said, OK I’ll just save the fabric for whenever it shows up. Then my husband remembered using it in the attic last summer!

Of course, THAT’s where I put it!! I totally did that…. Smile with tongue out

Anyways… glad it’s found and he did help me decide which of the two fabrics to use and decided on the hexagons and I stapled that down quickly and love how CLEAN it it, it just looks so nice.


Of course I put it to use right away, ironing BROWNS for the RSC16

tiny button

(Hey, is she doing them in this color order?? blue is on the left, then brown, will orange be next?)

I don’t have a lot of browns, so we’ll see how far I get


Still took out all the dies I used for the blues.


2 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary EQ and new things”

  1. Teresa in Music City

    I have absolutely GOT to cover my ironing board – it's embarrassing! And isn't it funny how we tend to blame each other when something goes missing? Grown-ups can be a lot like children sometimes LOL!!!

  2. I always get blamed when something goes missing. I usually to blames 60% of the time LOL. I need to cover my ironing board too.

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