Happy and sad

I’m sort of happy and sad!

I’ll show you in a second

First let me show you more Ahhhh’s





So here’s the HAPPY part!!

I finished “Underwater Stars”

using Yenter “atlantis” fabrics Smile

I designed this quilt in EQ7 and have the pattern up for sale in my craftsy store here

underwater stars

Here’s details of the quilting, just curves from corner to corner the red makes a nice secondary design!


Scrappy backing Smile


And fun label made on my Brother machine


Now here’s the SAD part….. when I was quilting it, I had the SLR ON! usually I don’t but I kept it on from when I did the QBB quilt earlier and it was going along just fine, but when I was done and took the quilt off the frame, EVERY corner point had little loops on the back. I think I went too fast and the SLR couldn’t keep up with me….

some of them might get pulled up if I wash the quilt but other loops were quilted over, so there’s no way of fixing that Sad smile unless I rip it all out, which I’m NOT going to do…. Oh I could CRY over this….


these are the only scraps I have left over BTW. not much WOOHOO!


I took a pic of the fish as it was being embroidered


The Valentine’s MMRR is on the frame being quilted (actually it’s done NOW)


Now onto some baby pics Smile

Sonja fell asleep in her playpen


And Peanut slept on the floor next to her


Sonja has actually been sick this week, Wednesday and Thursday she had a high fever (up to 103.7)

Then Friday morning it was GONE!

Yesterday she started getting a rash all over her body and it’s worse today, but she’s not bothered by it at all.

I think it’s ROSEOLA


Here she’s testing the quality of the AHHHH paper/pattern


today she was inspecting my blue and yellow kaleidoscope blocks


see the rash on her neck? Sad smile



Here’s an update on my 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needle turn applique, mommy giraffe almost done

#2 pineapple black and blue quilt- giving these a break now

#3 Bonnie Hunter ORCA mystery – DONE!

#4 green, red, yellow flower quilt- TOSSED!

#5 spring swap blocks- Quilt top DONE!

# 6 Making memories embroidered panel- pillow done!

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – top done adding vine on border

#9 won 9 march BOM -dotted flowers -DONE!

#10 MMMR -DONE!!

#11- drunkard’s path- DONE!

#12- Hidden forest- applique- traced owl

#13 pin cushion swap – mailed

#14 geese in a ring- top DONE!

#15 Christmas tree skirt- top done

#16 hexie flowers- 47 done I think

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- block #28 done

#18 Boxes!- Put the fabrics on the shelf for something else

#19 McCall’s #5 diamond in squares – DONE! GOT IT BACK

#20- roman holiday- kit

#21 Benartex floral quilt- DONE!

#22 Valentine’s Round Robin- Quilted, ready for binding

#23 Woven Stars for CT – DONE!

#24 Quilt it today #2- red, white and blue quilt-DONE! mailed

#25- easy street- DONE!

#26 McCall’s #6 flower star- DONE!

#27 McCall’s #7- mellow yellow- DONE and mailed

#28- Book quilt- may use Nancy Drew

#29 and 30(December) twin boy quilts -spider web quilt done maybe use Quilt it today Thomas quilt?

#31 “birds”(Jan), #3 quilt it today- DONE

#32 winding reds(Jan) #4 quilt it today- Done and ready to mail

#33- (feb)CT botanical fabrics- DONE!

#34 MMRR2- May just got here

#35 (feb) Ning’s T-shirt quilt – DONE!

#36 (feb) floral quilt along- DONE!

#37(feb) Nancy drew blog hop quilt- done!

# 38 (March) stuffed owl- Owlivia DONE!

#39(March) – 2 girl skirts- done!

#40(Jan) Ahhhh’s- #21 done

#41 (April)- scrappy trip around the world- blocks almost done

#42 (April)- mellow yellow tumblers- DONE!

#43 (April) X and + quilt- future quilt?

#44 (April) – kaleidoscope blocks a few blocks done

#45 (April) Under water Stars- DONE!

6 thoughts on “Happy and sad”

  1. Nice hexagons again! And hey girl, think of it….if you have no more problems than some loops in your quilt, you have nothing to complain about. Think of it as an experience, fix it in a way or another, and have a nice weekend!

  2. Teresa in Music City

    LOVE your Underwater Stars Bea! I'd feel just like you do about the quilting on the back though. Such a shame!!! I had the tension mess up on one I quilted at my friend's house. It's not that bad though and the backing fabric is more busy so it doesn't show as much.

  3. Gorgeous stitching. The loops in the quilting don't look to bad and they are on the back so don't matter. No-one will see them. Hope darling little Sonja is better soon.

  4. Nice..the quilt and the Valentine's MMMRR, the rash and the fever, not so much. Did she get shots recently?

  5. I hope little one feels better soon. It breaks my heart when they don't feel well.

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